Title: Unicorn Princesses 4: Prism's Paint
Author: Bliss, Emily
Publisher: Bloomsbury U.S.A. Children's Books
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 128
Dimensions: 8.00h x 5.00w x 0.40d
Product Weight: 0.25 lbs.
Language: English
ISBN: 9781681193380

Welcome to an enchanted land ruled by unicorn princesses Cressida Jenkins, a unicorn-obsessed girl who is sure that unicorns are real, is invited to visit, and readers will be thrilled to journey to the Rainbow Realm along with her In each story, Cressida is called to help a unicorn princess and her sisters in a magical adventure. In Prism's Paint, Ernest the blundering wizard-lizard casts a spell that accidentally alters Princess Prism's power--instead of being able to turn objects different colors, she now makes them clear The only way to reverse the spell is to find the missing rainbow of the Valley of Light, and the unicorn princesses know who can help them: Cressida But will Cressida be able to find the rainbow and restore Prism's powers? This sweet series is full of sparkle, fun, and friendship.