This historic  vintage Paris tourist guide, published by A.LECONTE   in Paris IN 1946, is a must-have for any collector of antique books. It features beautiful illustrations and maps of Paris and its environs and the many details of all the Landmark Buildings together with the numerous Clubs/Businesses/Restaurants etc etc , making it a valuable resource for those interested in topography and local interests. The book is bound in cloth and printed in Paris with French and English Translation , making it accessible to a wide audience. The special attributes of this original publication are evident in its attention to detail and the quality of its illustrations. Whether you're a seasoned collector or a first-time buyer, this Paris Vintage A.LECONTE Editeur PARIS Tourist Guide is sure to be a cherished addition to your collection.
The Metro Map dates 1939 -42 and Other Maps I guess are during or just after the War finished