An important original WWII 4 page letter written by one of WW2’s most famous Combat Photographers; Lt. Joseph M. Zinni of the 166th and 168th Signal Photo Companies, attached to the Third Army, 26th Infantry under General Bradley and General Patton. 


Most of Lt. Joseph M. Zinni duty in the Army was with the 166th Signal Photo Company known as "Patton’s GI Photographers". A combat photographer during WWII was extremely dangerous. Many of them were killed in action and in Lt Zinni's case he was never wounded that I am aware of but his Jeep Driver was. In addition to his unit, the 166th photo Company working in combat it also documented Holocaust images/photography. One of the reprints in the group is such a photo.

In this original 4 page letter Lt Zinni is writing to his wife, he writes about color photograph film and his 35mm camera which was damages by a photographer in the 166th photo Company; Here is part of what he writes: 

"... At present I have a couple rolls of color film Agfa + 1 roll of Kodachrome - but my 35mm camera is "out of order" -  a repairman of the 166th "buggered-up" the lens mount + I had to send the lends to New York ..." 

This is an important WW2 content letter historically because the use Color film was rare in 1945. The letter also comes with two original photos that he took and most likely developed himself, the two photos were enclose in the letter. Both original photos are of Lt. Silber and he writes about Lt. Silber in the letter. 

In addition to the two original letters there are 10 reprints of photos that Lt. Zini took during the war and a DVD with many photos. The DVD may be worth the value of the original letter because it has great WWII photo content on it. 


About the letter:

Great content written just after the War in the ETO. 


It is written to his wife and is 4 pages long. It comes with the original envelope . The letter is signed Joe and the envelope is Lt Zinni’s signature appears two times on the envelope. The envelope has a A.P.O. 403 Postmaster and was postmarked July 23, 1945. 

Lt. Zinni is an excellent writer and is very devoted to his loving wife - Great love letter.  

About Lt. Joseph M. Zinni:

After landing on Omaha Beach shortly after D-Day Lt. Zinni and his team of six men (Detachment) two drivers and one clerk and three photographers, documented the war fighting across France to Metz before becoming engaged in the Battle of the Bulge. With the 26th Infantry after braking through the Ardennes, then the 166th SPC moved into Luxembourg and Austria to take Linz, then into Czechoslovakia until war's end. During that time the 166th Photo Company lost two officers in combat. 


Lt. Joseph M. Zinni was not only documenting combat with the Infantry and Armored but also conducted dangerous close range reconnaissance flying in a Piper Cub during the Battle of the Bulge. one of the photos in this grouping is a photo her took from the air of the 26th Infranty moving in on a town during the battalion of the bulge. This is a copy photo print of an original photo he took and I believe this is an unpublished photo. 


There in much written about the 166th SPC and Lt. Zinni in books like; Armed With Cameras by Peter Maslowski and Patton’s GI Photographers by Ralph Butterfield. The National Archives and museums are full of his Combat images.    


While in the field of battle the most photographers carried weapons, if any, only a 45 pistol and even with that they could not shot a camera and fight, their eyes were focused on the action.   


Lt Zinni once remarked “A Cameraman has to expose himself a great deal while “shooting” combat action & he can’t very well operate a gun and a camera at the same time.” 

166th Signal Photographic Company.

"Patton's GI Photographer."


 THIRD ARMY ETO COMBAT PHOTOGRAPHER, 1st Lt. Joseph M. Zinni who shot virtually every aspect of the war in Europe. He was assigned with the 26th Infantry Division and participation in action that covered covered images of: Patton, Eisenhower, Bradley and Marshall in the field; gliders; camouflaged field artillery; sniper nests; Battle of the Bulge and aftermath with shattered tanks, men in the field under harsh winter conditions, aerial views of bombed towns, etc.; Westwall fortifications, destroyed towns, landing craft operations, liberation of American POWs; murdered Jews in concentration camps, GIs in the field, advancing with tank support in various towns and villages, Nazi gold plunder in walled-in caves; surrendering Germans including the surrender of Gen. Erich Elster and nearly 20,000 of his men; and a great deal more. In short he may be the most combat photographer to 


1st Lt. Joseph M. Zinni was assigned to the 166th and 168th Signal Photographic Company. After landing in Normandy he was attached to the 26th Infantry under Bradley and Patton. The 166th Signal Photographic Company did so much work for Patton it was called Patton’s GI Photographers. Entire books have been written about the incredible stills and film shot by the166th Signal Photographic Company.    The 26th arrived in France in September, 1944, and fought across France to Metz before becoming engaged in the Battle of the Bulge. It broke through the Ardennes, moving into Luxembourg and Austria to take Linz, then into Czechoslovakia until war's end.

I do know that Lt. Zinnia's did go to the CBI Theater not long after he wrote this letter. 



What you will get: 

The original 4 page letter and envelope written by Joseph M Zinni and two original photos. Plus you will receive many prints (these photos prints are reprints). Also a DVD/CD Rom as pictured. The last image in the listing show some files that are on the DVD/CD Rom - this content has taken me years to build and supports the amazing contribution Lt. Zinni make in the ETO and CBI. 

About the seller: 


I have been buying and selling Americana, rare books & documents, since the early 1970’s. 


I have sold large collections and important individual items to some of the largest libraries, Auction Houses, Rare book rooms, Universities and Museum in the US. 


I have published unique Americana works which are in University and private libraries throughout the world.  

Some of the proceeds from my sales go to support WW2 Primary Source Material for class rooms at High Schools in my area. (If you are a teacher and are interested in WW2 Primary Source Material for your class room please email me.)

My main goal is by selling WW2 and other historical Primary Source material; I can distribute letters, documents and items around the world that tell the true story of the courage, bravery and sacrifice, made by millions of Americans and the Allied Forces during the war. 


I have a 100% positive rating on ebay so when you buy from me you have my guarantee that what you are buying is authentic. 

Email me if you have questions. 

See photos for condition and letter content. 

Bidding conditions and mailing below:

I ship Priority Mail US Post Service, three day delivery.  The reason why is virtually all of the items I sell are one of a kind and even though an item may not have a high selling price it is sometime priceless to the buyer. Also Priority Mail US Post Service is insured and is tracked to guarantee delivery. 

US buyers only. 

You must have bought over 25 items on eBay, Paypal preferred and you must have a good rating in order to buy on this item/items.

I have a 100% rating and have sold many rare and important document, letters and items on Ebay so you know you will receive this original item.

See photos for condition. 

Email me if you have any questions.