This was part of my personal collection. I received this copy of the official 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment Scrapbook from Wild Bill Guarnere. I did picture framing for the Easy Company veterans, and was invited to their 60th Reunion in 2006. It was there that it was signed by 14 Easy Company veterans:

Wild Bill Guarnere
Rod Bain
Philip Perugini
Lt. Col. Ed Shames
Paul Rogers
William Wingett
Ed Joint
Herb Suerth
Bill Maynard
Henry "Hank" Zimmerman
Darrell "Shifty" Powers
Forest Guth
Richard "Red" Falvey
Frank Perconte

It is also signed by Honorary Member Frank DeAngelis.

There are @ 135 pages, loaded with photographs, maps, and drawings, with a written account of the Regiment's history.

On the page titled "Command and Staff", Maj. Richard Winters is 2nd from right at the top.

On the following page titled "CO's", Capt. Ronald Speirs is in the middle...and of course he's the only one holding a Thompson, with grenades hanging from the pockets of his jump jacket, while the other company commanders are wearing Class A's!

No international orders, please.

Please contact me with any questions, and thanks for bidding.