This copy of Ike's D-Day letter is printed on thick letterstock. It was signed by 18 Band of Brothers veterans at their 2005 reunion in San Antonio. The signatures are:

Wild Bill Guarnere
Forrest Guth
Frank Perconte
William Wingett
Rod Bain
Paul Rogers
Earl "One Lung" McClung   ****** See below for the story of how McClung got his nickname.
Philip Perugini
Jim Benton
Ed Tipper
Darrell "Shifty" Powers
Clancy Lyall
Father Leo Metz
James Alley
Henry "Hank" Zimmerman
Ralph Spina
Bill Maynard
Herb Suerth

The letter is also signed by Honorary Member Frank DeAngelis

Earl McClung was given the nickname "One Lung" shortly after Easy Company jumped into Normandy. Paul Rogers related the following to me at the 2006 reunion:

"We were resting in an orchard in Normandy, and Capt. Hester came up to a few of us. There was a .30 caliber Browning laying on the ground, and he asked us, "Who's going to carry that .30 cal?" None of us wanted to carry that heavy gun, so we looked around. Earl was asleep under a tree, so we pointed to him!

After he woke up we told him what Capt Hester said. Earl wasn't happy, and he wanted to know who "volunteered" him! So of course we had to rib him about it, and we kept saying, "Who hung the gun on One Lung McClung?!""

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