1-2. "PIONEER"  SOVIET RUSSIAN CHILDREN Magazine / Журнал "Пионер"

Language: Russian

Printed in the USSR in 1970

Dimensions: 8 x 11 1/4 inches or 20 x 28.5 cm, 80 pages.

3. Ilyich's childhood and school years by A.Ulyanova / Ульянова А. И. "Детские и школьные годы Ильича. Воспоминания." 


Artist is U. Rakutin / Ю. Ракутин

Printed in the USSR in 1979

Dimensions:  ~  8 1/2 x 10 3/4 inches or  21 x 27.5 cm, 32 pages 

4. According to Ilyich by J.Smelykov / Я.Смеляков "По слову Ильича".

Vintage CHILDREN BOOK about Soviet propaganda.

Artist is V. Gildyaev / В. Гильдяев 

Printed in the USSR in 1979

Dimensions:  ~  8 1/2 x 10 3/4 inches or  21 x 27.5 cm, 24 pages 

5. Your defenders by L.Kassil / Кассиль Л. "Твои защитники".

Vintage CHILDREN BOOK about WWII war.

Artist is S. Trofimov / С. Трофимов 

Printed in the USSR in 1986

Dimensions:  ~  8 1/2 x 10 3/4 inches or  21 x 27.5 cm, 18 pages

6. In the first days of October by V. Bonch-Bruevich / Бонч - Бруевич В.Д. "В перве дни октября."

Vintage CHILDREN BOOK about October Revolution 1917 year.

Artist is V. Borovko / В.Боровко

 Printed in the USSR in 1986

Dimensions:  ~  8 1/2 x 10 3/4 inches or  21 x 27.5 cm, 16 pages

7. Stories about Lenin by M. Zoshchenko / "Рассказы о Ленине." М. Зощенко. 

Artist is U. Rakutin / Ю. Ракутин

Printed in the USSR in 1974

Dimensions:  ~  6 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches or  17 x 21.5 cm, 64 pages

8. Secret by Voskresenskaya / Секрет. Воскресенская З.


Artist is U. Rakutin / Ю. Ракутин

Printed in the USSR in 1984

Dimensions:  ~  6 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches or  17 x 21.5 cm, 32 pages

9. Forty-first by B.Lavrenev / Лавренев Б. "Сорок первый".

Vintage CHILDREN BOOK about WWII war.

Artist is V. Vysocki / В. Высоцкий 

Printed in the USSR in 1989

Dimensions:  ~  5 x 8 inches or  13 x 20 cm, 62 pages

10. Above the Shusha River by J.Beganskaya / "Над рекой Шушей" Я. Беганская.


Language: Belarusian / На белорусском языке

Artist is V. Barovko / В.Боровко

Printed in the USSR in 1977

Dimensions:  ~  6 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches or  17 x 21 cm, 48 pages

12. Poem about the fire by Yu.Korinets / Ю.Коринец "Поэма о костре".

Vintage CHILDREN BOOK about Soviet propaganda.

Artist is N. Barbotchenko / Н. Барботченко 

Printed in the USSR in 1984

Dimensions:  ~  6 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches or  17 x 21.5 cm, 16 pages 

13. Main army by L.Kassil / Кассиль Л. "Главное войско".

Vintage CHILDREN BOOK about WWII war.

Artist is A. Ermolaev / А. Ермолаев 

Printed in the USSR in 1974

Dimensions:  ~  6 3/4 x 9 1/4 inches or  17 x 23.5 cm, 32 pages

14. Workshop of the Sun by I.Smolnikov / Смольников И. "Мастерская солнца".

Vintage CHILDREN BOOK about Soviet Artists.

Printed in the USSR in 1974

Dimensions:  ~  5 x 8 1/4 inches or  16 x 20.5 cm, 182 pages

15. Alesya" Poetry by J.Kupala / "Алеся".Стихи. Я.Купала

Vintage Soviet CHILDREN BOOK.

Language: Belarusian / На белорусском языке

Artist is V. Barovko / В.Боровко

Printed in the USSR in 1981

Dimensions:  ~ 7 1/2 x 9 1/4 inches or  19 x 23.5 cm, 40 pages 

16. Eagle feather by P. Bazhov / "Орлиное перо" П. Бажов

Vintage Soviet CHILDREN BOOK about Lenin.

Artist is V. Britvin / В. Бритвин

Printed in the USSR in 1990

Dimensions:  ~  8 1/2 x 10 3/4 inches or  21 x 27.5 cm, 24 pages 

18. Ilyich's childhood and school years by A.Ulyanova / Ульянова А. И. "Детские и школьные годы Ильича". 


Printed in the USSR in 1953

Format: Hardcover

Dimensions:  ~  9 x 11 1/4 inches or  23 x 28.5 cm, 40 pages 

19.  "Stop driver" by E.Kobets-Filimonova / Кобец-Филимонова Е. "Стой, машинист ! ".

Vintage CHILDREN BOOK about Construction squad in Soviet time.

Artist is V. Shtarkin/ В. Штаркин

Printed in the USSR in 1976

Format: Hardcover

Dimensions:  ~  5 1/4 x 8 1/4 inches  or  13.5 x 20.5 cm, 176 pages

20.  "Daughter of Russia" by P. Cherednichenko / Чередниченко П. "Дочь России". 

Documentary story about the Russian revolutionary E. Dmitrieva and K. Marx  F. Engels./  Документальная повесть о русской революционерке Е.Дмитриевой, К.Марксе и Ф.Энгельсе.

Artist is A. Leonov / А. Леонов

Printed in the USSR in 1958

Dimensions:  ~  5 1/4 x 8  inches  or  13 x 20 cm, 130 pages

21.  "Klasha Sapozhkova" by A. Colubeva / Голубева А. "Клаша Сапожкова". 

The story takes place during the October Revolution of 1917 in Moscow. / Действие повести происходит в дни Октябрьской революции 1917 года в Москве.

Artist is G. Fitingof / Г. Фитингоф

Printed in the USSR in 1954

Format: Hardcover

Dimensions:  ~  5 1/4 x 8 1/4  inches  or  13.5 x 20.5 cm, 88 pages 

22. "Battalion of Four" by Sobolev L. / Соболев Л"Батальон четверых". 

Vintage CHILDREN BOOK about WWII war.

Artist is L. Khailov / Л.Хайлов

Printed in the USSR in 1977

Dimensions:  ~  5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches or  14.5 x 21.5 cm, 32 pages

23. For children about Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Poems and stories by various authors / "Детям о Владимире Ильиче Ленине". Стихи и рассказы разных авторов.

Artist is E.Meshkov / Е.Мешков

Printed in the USSR in 1980

Format: Hardcover

Dimensions:  ~  8 x 10 1/4 inches or  20.5 x 26 cm, 60 pages

24. Three stories by L. Radishchev / "Три рассказа". Радищев Л.


Artist is Yu. Lavrukhin / Ю. Лаврухин

Printed in the USSR in 1974

Dimensions:  ~  6 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches or  17 x 21.5 cm, 30 pages

25. Important cargo by E. Mar / "Важный груз". Мар Е.


Artist is Yu. Rakutin / Ю. Ракутин

Printed in the USSR in 1970

Dimensions:  ~  6 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches or  17 x 22 cm, 32 pages

26. May song by V. Mayakovsky / В.Маяковский "Майская песенка".

Vintage CHILDREN BOOK about Soviet propaganda.

Artist is L. Durasov / Л. Дурасов

Printed in the USSR in 1974

Dimensions:  ~  6 3/4 x 9 1/4 inches or  17 x 23.5 cm, 16 pages 

27. "Head of the Division # Fourteen” by Y. Kamensky and “Stories of Sergei Lazo” by I. Voronin / 

Ю.Каменский "Начдив четырнадцать" и И.Воронин "Сказы о Сергее Лазо"

Vintage CHILDREN BOOK about the Civil War of 1917.

Artist is A. Ivasenko / А.Ивасенко

Printed in the USSR in 1977

Dimensions:  ~  5 3/4 x 8 inches or  14.5 x 20 cm, 64 pages 

28. "Siberians at Lenin's" by G. Markov / Марков Г"Сибиряки у Ленина". 


Artist is I. Neznaykin / И. Незнайкин

Printed in the USSR in 1978

Dimensions:  ~  5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches or  14.5 x 21.5 cm, 16 pages

29. "On this memorable May day" by Z.Voskresenskaya / "В этот памятный майский день". Воскресенская З.


Artist is S. Trofimov / С. Трофимов

Printed in the USSR in 1981

Dimensions:  ~  5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches or  14.5 x 21.5 cm, 16 pages

30. "Christmas tree in Sokolniki" by A.Kononov / Кононов А. "Елка в Сокольниках" 

Stories about Lenin / Рассказы о Ленине.

Artist is G. Skomorokhov / Г. Скоморохов

Printed in the USSR in 1987

Dimensions:  ~  6 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches or 16.5 x 24 cm, 40 pages 

31. "Oath" by Z.Voskresenskaya / "Клятва". Воскресенская З.


Artist is S. Trofimov / С. Трофимов

Printed in the USSR in 1982

Dimensions:  ~  6 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches or  17 x 21.5 cm, 16 pages

32. "Lenin and children" by V. Bonch-Bruevich / Бонч - Бруевич В.Д. "Ленин и дети"

Vintage CHILDREN BOOK about Lenin.

Artist is Yu. Korovin / Ю.Коровин

 Printed in the USSR in 1976

Dimensions:  ~   6 3/4 x 9 1/4 inches or  17 x 23.5 cm, 32 pages

33. "Bullfinch" by S. Alekseev / Алексеев С. "Снегирь"

Vintage CHILDREN BOOK about Lenin.

Artist is O.Vereisky / О.Верейский

 Printed in the USSR in 1976

Dimensions:  ~   6 3/4 x 9 1/4 inches or  17 x 23.5 cm, 16 pages

34. "Dear name", "A Word about the Great Law"  by Z. Voskresenskaya / "Дорогое имя", "Слово о Великом Законе". Воскресенская З.


Artist is I. Neznaykin & A.Tambovkin / И. Незнайкин и А.Тамбовкин

Printed in the USSR in 1985

Format: Hardcover

Dimensions:  ~  8 x 10 1/4 inches or  20.5 x 26.5 cm, 56 pages

35. "Shu-shu" by Krzhizhanovsky G. / Кржижановский Г. "Шу-шу" 

Stories about Lenin / Рассказы о Ленине.

Artist is Yu. Zaitsev / Ю. Зайцев

Printed in the USSR in 1987

Dimensions:  ~  6 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches or 16.5 x 24 cm, 40 pages 

36. "Young fighters of the revolution" by Bolshintsov M. and Pavlenko P. / Большинцов M. и Павленко П. "Юные бойцы революции" 

Stories about revolution 1917 / Рассказы о революции 1917.

Artist is A. Slepkov / А. Слепков

Printed in the USSR in 1989

Dimensions:  ~  6 1/2 x 9 1/4 inches or 16.5 x 23.5 cm, 32 pages 

37. "Why are you saving your overcoat?" by E.Blaginina / "Почему ты шинель бережешь?" Е.Благинина.

Poems for children about WWII / Стихи для детей о ВОВ.

Artist is A. Ermolaev / А. Ермолаев

Printed in the USSR in 1980

Dimensions:  ~ 6 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches or  17 x 21.5 cm, 16 pages 

38. "About military glory, about labor valor" by V. Razumnevich / "Про славу боевую, про доблесть трудовую" В.Разумневич

Vintage CHILDREN BOOK about WWII war.

Artist is V. Barovko / В.Боровко

Printed in the USSR in 1985

Format: Hardcover

Dimensions:  ~ 6 3/4 x 8 1/4 inches or  17 x 21 cm, 160 pages 

39. "The most important order" by S. Medynsky / "Самый главный орден" С.Медынский

Vintage CHILDREN BOOK about Soviet propaganda.

Artist is V. Trubkovich / В.Трубкович

Printed in the USSR in 1974

Format: Hardcover

Dimensions:  ~ 6 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches or  17 x 21.5 cm, 144 pages 

40. "Time is watching you" Collection / "Время смотрит на тебя" Сборник

Vintage CHILDREN BOOK about the time of the 80s and Soviet propaganda.

Artist is E.Medvedev / Е. Медведев

Printed in the USSR in 1981

Format: Hardcover

Dimensions:  ~ 6 3/4 x 9 1/2 inches or  17 x 24.5 cm, 190 pages 

41. "The Last Assault" by S. Alekseev / Алексеев C. "Последний штурм".

Book series about WWII war Grandfather's medals / Серия книг о ВОВ «Дедушкины медали».

Artist is M. Petrov / М. Петров

Printed in the USSR in 1975

Dimensions:  ~  8 1/2 x 10 3/4 inches or  21.5 x 27.5 cm, 34 pages

42. "For the defense of the Caucasus" by A. Nasibov / А. Насибов  "За оборону Кавказа".

Children's Book series about WWII war Grandfather's medals / Серия детских книг о ВОВ «Дедушкины медали».

Artist is B.Malinkovsky / Б.Малинковский

Printed in the USSR in 1978

Dimensions:  ~  8 1/2 x 10 3/4 inches or  21.5 x 27.5 cm, 34 pages

43. "Vasya Shishkovsky" by S. Chumakov / С. Чумаков  "Вася Шишковский".

Children's Book series about WWII war Pioneer heroes / Серия детских книг о ВОВ «Пионеры-герои».

Artist is V.Yudin / В.Юдин

Printed in the USSR in 1981

Dimensions:  ~  8  x 10 3/4 inches or  20.5 x 27.5 cm, 26 pages

44. "Lyusya Gerasimenko" by P. Tkachev / П. Ткачёв  "Люся Герасименко".

Children's Book series about WWII war Pioneer heroes / Серия детских книг о ВОВ «Пионеры-герои».

Artist is V.Yudin / В.Юдин

Printed in the USSR in 1981

Dimensions:  ~  8  x 10 3/4 inches or  20.5 x 27.5 cm, 26 pages

45. Stories about Lenin by M. Zoshchenko / "Рассказы о Ленине." М. Зощенко. 

Artist are S.Vedernikova and U.Trizna / С. Ведерникова и Ю.Тризна

Printed in the USSR in 1990

Dimensions:  ~  6 1/2 x 9 1/4 inches or  16.5 x 23.5 cm, 32 pages

46. Song is lightning by V. Mayakovsky / В.Маяковский "Песня-молния".

Vintage CHILDREN BOOK about Soviet propaganda.

Artist is A. Pahomov / А.Пахомов

Printed in the USSR in 1989

Dimensions:  ~  5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches or  14.5 x 21.5 cm, 32 pages


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Please note that I do not sell new items , only Vintage / Antique items that perhaps show some signs of their previous life in a small way. Condition varies, some have minor tears, stains, bends or taped on, please examine photos carefully.

Combined shipping possible.

Attention: Delivery times may differ from Ebay's estimated delivery times and may sometimes exceed a month.
Private sale "as is" without return or exchange.