Anti Gray Hair Complex
Prevent Hair Growing Gray, Healthier Hair
Conditions Hair, Anti-Aging Properties
Source Of Vitamins B

1 Bottle 60 Capsules
Manufactured in USA

Our New & Unique Formula of Anti Gray Hair 1350mg:
Our New & Unique Formula of Anti Gray Hair 1350mg includes: Folic Acid, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid (d-cal. pantothenate), Zinc (oxide), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hcl), Catalase, Horse Tail (7% extract), Saw Palmetto (45% extract), PABA, L-Tyrosine, Plant Sterols (45% beta-sitosterol), Nettle Root Extract, Chlorophyll, Fo Ti Powder, Barley Grass Juice Powder.

Why We Loss Of Hair Pigment?
Researchers at the University of Bradford in the UK demonstrated how over time, accumulated oxidative stress leads to the overproduction of hydrogen peroxide in the hair follicles. In other words, the hair begins to bleach itself from the inside out. The buildup of hydrogen peroxide begins to block the production of melanin, the pigment that gives hair its blonde, red or brown color. Underlying this process is a series of complex chemical mechanisms involving the effects of oxidative stress and follicle damage on key enzymes. One is catalase, which is supposed to break up the hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen so the body can eliminate it. But catalase levels drop as we age, allowing hydrogen peroxide to accumulate unchecked. Two other enzymes, known as MSR A and B, are supposed to stimulate hair follicles to repair the damage, but levels of MSR A and B drop with age as well. Without enough MSR A and B, the body can’t produce enough of another enzyme, tyrosinase, which is directly involved in melanin production. 

What Role Does Biotin Play in Hair Growth?
Biotin is required for cellular growth. Healthy cellular growth is needed for hair growth and healthy skin appearance. Biotin is required for the production of amino acids amino acids are key to hair growth.
Biotin supplementation has be shown to increase hair growth and restore hair color. Biotin has rejuvenation properties that aid in the development of new cells. This of course is where these properties come into the curing of hair loss. Not just rejuvenating the hair itself but the scalp too, which has a critical part of reversing hair loss. Hair is made of keratin, which is a form of protein made from many amino acids. Biotin is used by the body to break down proteins you consume through diet into the amino acids needed to form keratin. Biotin is highly important as it is required for cellular growth as well as the production of fatty acids. It is also responsible for the metabolism for amino acids and fats.

Pantothenic Acid For Prevent Gray Hair
Pantothenic acid, which is also known as Vitamin B5, is very important for the healthy functioning of pigmentation cells. It is mostly the lack of Pantothenic acid that reduces the production of melanin pigment that give natural color to the hair. It is found that a daily supplementary intake of 300mg Vitamin B5 would help in the balanced production of melanin pigment to protect the hair from graying. The best natural source of Vitamin B5 is carrot, egg yolks, and whole grains.

Saw Palmetto For Hair Loss And Hair Regrowth?
Does saw palmetto work as a hair loss treatment in men and women? This supplement is known to significantly affect the growth of hair, specifically the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle, causing hair loss and baldness in men. Studies have shown that an extract of this plant is potent in blocking the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase. This reduces the amount of DHT in the body, hence working as a cure for androgenic alopecia, mostly in men with hereditary loss of hair signs. Also, with little DHT in the system, hair regrowth is promoted.

Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 30

Supplement Facts:
Folic Acid 400 mcg
Biotin 300 mcg
Pantothenic Acid (d-cal. pantothenate) 300 mg
Zinc (oxide) 10 mg 
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hcl) 10 mg 
Catalase 5,000 IU 
Horse Tail (7% extract) 100 mg 
Saw Palmetto (45% extract) 300 mg 
PABA 200 mg 
L-Tyrosine 200 mg 
Plant Sterols (45% beta-sitosterol) 100 mg 
Nettle Root Extract 100 mg 
Chlorophyll 10 mg 
Fo Ti Powder 10 mg 
Barley Grass Juice Powder 10 mg

Other Ingredients: Gelatin, Magnesium Stearate, and Calcium Carbonate

SUGGESTED USE: As a dietary supplement, take two (2) capsules daily.

Grey Hair Reversal Supplement  - ANTI GRAY HAIR COMPLEX - 1 Bottle 60 Caps