Garlic & Parsley Odorless Formula
Healthy Digestive System
Kidney Stone Preventer
Joint Pain Alleviatoer
Healthy Heart

Made in USA

1 Bottle 100 Softgels

Garlic Health Benefits:

Garlic is a close relative of the onion and is a very common ingredient in cooking. It is found in cuisines all over the world and can be used in a wide variety of ways. Its pungent aroma is quite unmistakable and it has a strong flavor that can really help to bring a dish to life.

In addition to being great in cooking, garlic also has a variety of health benefits. It is packed with vitamins and minerals and also holds a variety of medicinal properties. These properties have been known since ancient times and we are now discovering more about them. Let’s discover some of the many garlic benefits.

Healthy Heart - Heart disease is one of the biggest killers on the planet yet, in many cases, it can be avoided. A poor diet and lack of exercise can help prevent heart attacks and other problems, although these are not the only factors. A high blood pressure can also be problematic and difficult to control. Tests in humans, however, have shown that garlic can be used to help keep blood pressure down. One study even showed that it can be just as effective as medicine. This can make a considerable difference in preventing heart disease.

Better Immunity - Our bodies are quite effective at battling infection and disease, but we should still do what we can to help it. This means ensuring we have the right nutrients, including plenty of vitamins. Vitamin C, in particular, is known for its ability to boost the immune system, and garlic is a very good source of the vitamin. In addition to vitamin C, garlic also contains vitamin B6, manganese and selenium, which also give the immune system a boost. What’s more is that antimicrobial and antioxidant properties also help to keep us free from illness, making garlic a great supplement for supporting good health.

Toothache - Most of us are likely to experience a toothache at some point. Many will be able to tell you that the pain can be debilitating and a trip to the dentist is often required. While you are waiting to see the dentist to have the problem seen to, you will be concerned about relieving the pain in the short term at least. There are numerous remedies out there, and many consider garlic to be among the most effective. Garlic has analgesic properties that will help to sooth the pain, and antibacterial properties that will help keep the decay under control.

Allergies - Allergies can make life quite unpleasant for us and can even be potentially dangerous at times. The good news, though, is that there are remedies that can help to at least limit the symptoms, and garlic is one of them. One problem associated with allergies is inflamed airways, which can make it harder to breathe. Garlic has properties that can help to reduce the inflammation, making breathing easier again. Many people choose to use garlic supplements during hay fever season to help keep the symptoms as manageable as possible. It is also used as a topical application on bites and rashes.

Helps Digestion - A healthy digestive system is important if we are to keep in good shape. It is important that we can extract all the nutrients we need from our food. An unhealthy digestive system can also be quite uncomfortable and also lead to awkward situations socially. Garlic helps to stimulate the production of gastric juices to help ensure that your food is processed effectively. It can also stimulate organs such as the liver to help ensure that your body is effectively cleaned of toxins. Just remember not to overdo it because too much garlic can be too much for the digestive system.

Good for Athletes - In ancient Greece, garlic was seen used as a way to help reduce fatigue and enhance performance. It was used in physical labourers to try and get them to be more efficient, and also in Olympic athletes. Many people today feel that garlic can be used to enhance performance in people. Studies have show garlic really can be used to increase performance. One study suggested that the heart rate can be improved in individuals with heart disease. Studies in people showed that fatigue can be reduced with garlic.

Relieves Arthritis Pain - Arthritis can not only be debilitating, it can also be very painful. People around the world suffer on a daily basis but, thankfully, garlic can help to reduce the pain. Much of the pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis is caused by swelling and garlic has anti-inflammatory properties. With the swelling reduced, the pain is also reduced, making things a lot more comfortable for the sufferer. In addition, garlic contains diallyl disulphide which is a compound that helps to limit enzymes that cause damage to cartilage.

Fight Fungal Infections - Fungal spores will often go airborne, making it easy for anybody to pick up an infection. While our immune system will usually prevent a fungal infection from developing, they can take hold under certain conditions. There is evidence, however, that garlic can help us to fight fungal infections. Infections such as athlete’s foot, jock itch, oral thrush and ringworm can be reduced with the help of garlic. Including garlic supplements in your diet can help to give added protection against picking up fungal infections.

Longer Life - Mankind has been searching for the secret to everlasting life for as long as we can remember. While we have not yet been able to stop the ageing process completely, we have at least been able to ensure that we generally live a lot longer than we used to. Overall, garlic can help us to remain as healthy as possible in a number of ways. These can benefit you not only in the short term but also in the long term. Include garlic in your diet where possible and you are on your way to a long and happy life.

Parsley Health Benefits:

Parsley is a pretty little Mediterranean herb that lends a sprinkling of color to your plate. But let’s not think of it as just a garnish—after all, parsley has been around for more than 2000 years, and boasts some time-tested benefits that you should know about.

A surprisingly small amount of parsley is packed with vitamins. Just two tablespoons provides two percent of your daily calcium, iron and folate; 12 percent of your vitamin A; over 150 percent of your vitamin K; and 16 percent of your vitamin C. Not too shabby for a humble herb! Check out these parsley health benefits and ways to get more parsley into your day-to-day.

Nutrition Booster - The vitamin K in parsley aids in bone health, while the wealth of vitamin C makes it a great immune booster. Parsley is an excellent source of beta carotene, an antioxidant that can help protect the body against free-radical damage and fight the effects of aging.

Kidney Stone Preventer - There is some evidence that parsley can support healthy kidney function. While the herb contains oxalates, which can cause problems for those with existing kidney problems, a study published in Urology Journal found that ingesting parsley supplements reduced the number of calcium oxalate deposits. The researchers found that ingesting parsley helped break down kidney stones.

Joint Pain Alleviator - Use parsley daily, and you’ll feel relief from joint pain. That’s because the herb has anti-inflammatory properties.

Fatigue Fighter - Because it’s high in iron, parsley is recommended for patients with anemia. Parsley provides two percent of your daily iron.

Diabetes Prevention and Treatment - Research published in the Journal of Nutrition found that eating foods high in a naturally occurring nutrient known as myricetin can decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 26 percent. Parsley is one of the best sources of myricetin, containing about 8 milligrams per 100 grams of parsley. The study was conducted in 26 study centers in 8 European countries over several years. A subsequent study of 12,403 people with type 2 diabetes showed a strong link between consumption of flavonol (a natural compound found in parsley) and a significantly reduced incidence of the disease.

Overall Health Booster - Parsley relaxes stiff muscles and encourages digestion. It has been used traditionally for an array of other health issues, as well.

WARNING: NOT FOR USE BY INDIVIDUALS UNDER THE AGE OF  18  YEARS.  DO  NOT  USE  IF   PREGNANT  OR  NURSING. Consult   a  physician    or    licensed    qualified    healthcare professional before using this product.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

odorless garlic - GARLIC & PARSLEY COMPLEX - arthritis supplement - 100 Softgels