female fertility vitamin - FEMALE FERTILITY COMPLEX - damiana extract 2B

Advanced Complex


Private Label
Made in USA

2 Bottes 120 Capsules

ANTI DEPRESSION AND PILLS: In a study published in the April 2000 issue of "Journal of Women’s Health and Gender Based Medicine," researchers investigated the effects of a chaste tree berry preparation on the symptoms of PMS - depression, cravings, and fluid retention. After taking the preparation for three menstrual cycles, 93 percent of the women reported a decrease or cessation in their symptoms.

LOOKING YOUNGER PILLS: Research reveals that people who regularly consume folic acid can delay the onset of aging signs such as wrinkles. Vitamin B9 supplementation also delays aging by preventing the production of stress compouds in the human body.

LIBIDO SUPPORT FOR WOMEN: One of the more traditional uses of Sarsaparilla was to increase the libido of men and women in an effort to increase fertility. Some of the compounds found in this extract have been shown to increase blood flow to the sexual ereas, thereby increasing in overall sex drive.

LOSE WEIGHT PILLS FOR WOMEN: Due to the capability in improving the digestive system, therefore, Damiana is good to manage the weight. It helps to encouraged weight loss by produce thermogenic effects that can reduce the appetite.

FEMALE FERTILITY ADVANCED COMPLEX: This natural formula may help boost woman libido, sex drive, sexual pleasure and fertility. Also it can be beneficial for support healthy mood, digestion and promote weight loss. The ingredients in our powerfuls blend include powerful herbs and extracts like: Damiana, Chasteberry, Eleuthero, Buckthorn, Sarsaparilla, Saw palmetto, Lelp and Folic Acid.

FEMALE MOOD ENHANCEMENT: Several studies have shown that individuals with mood concerns are also low in folic acid levels. Folic Acid may help support or manage low moods, especially in combination with other B vitamins such as B6 and B 12.

WOMEN IMMUNE SYSTEM VITAMINS: The natural antibacterial properties of sarsaparilla berries and the compounds in the roots make this herbal supplement a wonderful way to increase the strength of your immune system. The antibacterial properties may also help with skin issues and may help fight off cold and other viruses.

BOOST FEMALE LIBIDO ENHANCER: The University of Hawaii conducted a double-blind study on women who wanted to boost sex drive. A portion of the women took some nutritional supplement containing Damiana. After four weeks, 73 percent of the women reported an improvement in their sex lives, compared with just 37.2 percent of those in the placebo group.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.