male enhancment pills - TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS 1000MG 1B - tribulus terrestris

Dietary Supplement
1 Bottle - 100 Capsules

Nature Supplements
GMP Certified And Made In USA

Natural Benefits:
Enhances Sexual Function
Increases Libido and Stamina
Heart Health
Kidney Health
Relieve Pain And Inflammation
Lower Blood Pressure Levels

TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS 1000MG: Tribulus terrestris is a small leafy plant. It’s also known as puncture vine, Gokshura, caltrop and goat’s head. It grows in many places, including parts of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Traditionally, people have used this plant for a variety of effects, including to enhance libido, keep the urinary tract healthy and reduce swelling.

NATURAL SEXUAL HEALTH BOOSTER FOR MEN: The diverse mix of active compounds in tribulus help explain its apparently confusing effects. The saponin protodioscin is responsible for the libido-enhancing effects of this plant. It acts as an aphrodisiac to increase sexual activity and blood flow to the sexual organs (by boosting nitric oxide).

GREAT FOR MALE SEX OVERALL HEALTH: This miraculous little plant has long been used to help with erectile problems, and recent studies have proven this to be true. According to research firm Examine, men's functions in men were improved by taking as little as 1.5 g doses of Tribulus Terrestris. Further, it is a natural ingredient that will help your erectile issues.

NATURAL DIURETIC AND GOOD FOR KIDNEYS: Tribulus terrestris has been shown to work as a natural diuretic, helping to increase urine production and flush out the body. In fact, one in vitro study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology showed that treatment with Tribulus terrestris was able to promote diuresis, indicating that it may be an effective natural remedy in the helping of kidney problems.

KEEP YOUR HEART HEALTHY AND IN CHECK: According to online health resource WebMD, studies have shown that Tribulus can help keep your heart healthy. Tribulus contains a substance which helps to maintain arterial health which benefits your heart, but that has the bonus of freeing up blood flow to the sexual organs, which helps with erectile issues.

BEST LIBIDO BOOSTER AROUND: Tribulus terrestris is well-known for its natural ability to increase sex drive and improve sexual satisfaction. One study showed that taking Tribulus terrestris enhanced several measures of sexual function in men after just four weeks and led to improvements in desire, arousal, satisfaction, lubrication and pain.

RELIEVES INFLAMMATION AND PAIN: Studies have found that Tribulus terrestris extract could have a powerful effect in relieving pain and inflammation. A study conducted by the Kerman Faculty of Pharmacy, for example, showed that administering doses was effective at reducing pain levels and another study showed that it reduced several markers of inflammation.

LOWER BLOOD PRESSURE LEVELS FAST: The second way it helps to keep your heart healthy and help against angina is by lowering your blood pressure. In one study cited by Self Hack, Hypertensive subjects were treated with 3g of Tribulus Terrestris daily and, after one week, they all showed significantly lower levels of blood pressure. So with this supplement you can keep your blood pressure in check.

DIRECTIONS: For adults, take two (2) quick release capsules daily, preferably with a meal.

CAUTION: Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18 and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement.
