Step into the enchanting world of Ruby Green Twin Roses, where vibrant red hues mingle with lush greenery to create a captivating and harmonious display in your garden. These twin roses bring striking color harmony, embodying nature's elegance and adding charm to any landscape. With easy cultivation, whether you're a seasoned gardener or a beginner, these roses thrive with minimal care. Elevate your garden with the captivating contrasts of Ruby Green Twin Roses.

Key Features:

Striking Color Harmony: The bold contrast of red and green creates a visual symphony that draws the eye.

Natural Elegance: Ruby Green Twin Roses embody nature's elegance, adding charm to any landscape.

Easy Cultivation: Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a beginner, these roses thrive with minimal care.

Planting Guide:


Soak seeds in 40°C water for 24 hours.
Place seeds in very wet sands for germination (generally takes more than 40 days).
Transfer sprouted seeds into soil for further growth.


Use loose, breathable soil with high water-holding capacity, such as vermiculite, peat, sphagnum, perlite, or tree fern.
Ensure well-draining soil to prevent waterlogging.
Rose plants are drought-tolerant but avoid floods; use non-glazed bonsai pots for soil cultivation.
Water when the soil is dry; completely wet the soil during watering to avoid local rot.
Provide ample sunlight, keeping the temperature around 20 degrees Celsius.
Germination temperature: 20-25°C
Germination time: 40 days
Optimum growth temperature: 10-25°C