Sensational Book out of Many that Belmont Music Company, Chicago-Illinois, published in the 1930s and 1940s in which each focused on a theme, period of time, culture, or class of music. Whether Operatic Selections, Children songs, Country-oriented songs, Mountain Ballads, Jigs Reels, Comical Songs, and so many more, The Belmont Collection is full of wonderful education opportunities to learn a culture-period of time-Americana-World Songs of Classical-Popular-grass roots-or specialty. With Colored Title Pages--Great Lithographs, many covers are signed and dated by James Axelrod. If you are attracted to the 1930s-40s illustrations of high integrity in artistic endeavor, become a James Axelrod collector.  Many think the illustrative art work is as collectible as the music.  Signed on this beautiful 'Spanish' cover in Black white and red, by James Axelrod, 1937. SPANISH SONGS 1937.. See the images for a full Content Page. 19 Selections 24 pages plus outer front and back cover.