The item up for sale is the KBD Fans Tofu 65% mechanical keyboard with an aluminum silver case and brass weight plate. The PCB board was installed by KBD Fans, and the switches are not hot-swappable. 

As for the technicals, I cannot find the original invoice/order form to save my life, so I cannot tell you what type of PCB and switches are on the keyboard. Don't quote me, but I believe the switch may be Gateron if I were to take a guess. However, the keyboard came with two spare switches, so I took a picture of it for you all to decide. I also took a picture of the box with the only label/identifier I could find, just in case anyone wants to look it up or know what's in it based on it. 

If you have any questions, I will do my best to assist you. I can also take more images if needed. Thanks!

I will ship out the keyboard in all original kbdfans packaging..