Warhammer 40k Space Marine Space Wolves Entire Army Transfer Lot Fits Primaris. Water slide decals stickers

Space Wolves

Primarch: Leman Russ (who challenged them with the epic quest of finding him among the stars)

Colour: grey

Logo: wolf

Home-world: Fenris

Doctrine: completely unorthodox

Arch Enemy: Thousand Sons

Special: wolf fangs, helix of the wolf/beast (Wulfen)

Space Wolf Units

HQ - Great Wolf, Chapter Commander.

HQ - Wolf Lord, Captain.

Space Wolf Great Wolf Logan Grimnar       Space Wolf Wolf Lord Ragnar Blackmane

HQ - Rune Priest, Librarian.

Space Wolf Rune Priest Njal Stormcaller Space Wolf Rune Priest Space Wolf Terminator Rune Priest

HQ - Wolf Priest, Chaplain and Apothecary.

HQ - Standard Bearer.

Space Wolf Wolf Priest Ulrik - The Slayer       Space Wolf Standard Bearer

HQ - Iron Priest, Techmarine.

Space Wolf Iron Priest Space Wolf Iron Priest

HQ - Wolf Guard, Command Squad, Terminator bodyguard with Wolf tail talisman.

Space Wolf Wolf Guard Terminator Sergeant Space Wolf Wolf Guard Terminator Space Wolf Wolf Guard Terminator with Heavy Flamer Space Wolf Terminator with Assault Cannon

Elite - Dreadnought.

Space Wolf Dreadnought Venerable

Elite - Grey Hunter, Veteran.

Space Wolf Grey Hunters

Elite - 13th Company Grey Slayers, veteran Marine, core of 13th Company.

Space Wolf 13th Company Grey Slayers

Elite - 13th Company Storm Claws, veteran Assault Marine.

Space Wolf 13th Company Storm Claws

Elite - 13th Company Wulfen Guard, Wulfen banded together into packs of beasts.

Space Wolf Wulfen Pack Space Wolf Wulfen

Troop - Blood Claw, young Tactical Marine, squads contain between 8 and 15.

Space Wolf Blood Claws

Troop - Wolf Scout, scout.

Space Wolf Wolf Scout Space Wolf Wolf Scout Space Wolf Wolf Scout Space Wolf Wolf Scout with Assault Weapon Space Wolf Wolf Scouts

Troop - Fenrisian Wolf, hound.

Troop/Transport - Razorback.

Space Wolf Razorback

Heavy Support - Long Fang, Devastator.

Space Wolf Long Fangs

Space Wolf Chapter Organization

A completely unorthodox chapter, its organization and style bear no resemblance to the Codex Astartes.

The Chapter is divided into 12 Great Companies.

There is a 13th independent company fighting in the Eye Of Terror.

The ranks and positions inside the companies are derived from their age.