FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT;  AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY. New York, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, copyright 1943 Presumed 1st Edition, 8th Printing (stated) 1962.  Hardcover (no dustjacket)

Ocher cloth boards with silver titling on spine and front, embellished with red squares. Boards have light edgewear, corners bumped and a bit frayed; there are a couple small dark spots on the back  and a couple small white spots on front. Tip and tail of spine are wrinkled and lightly frayed. Hinges are a bit loose but holding secure; sewing is tight, no loose pages. Front flyleaf has an inked name. Text paper is white and crisp, no markings or damaged pages. The 4 chapter heads have individually designed decorations and contents pages. This collection of writings offers substantial insight into the man and his life's work.
8.5" x 8.5"  561 p.

Wright (1867-1959) was an architect, designer, writer, and educator who designed more than 1000 structures during a 70 year creative period.