001 the eleventh doctor - the eleventh hour 
004 tenth doctor - forest of the dead
007 Judoom captain - the stolen earth
007 Judoom captain - the stolen earth
011 General Staal - sontaran Stratagem
019 Elder Ood - the end of time
023 Tritovore - planet of the dead
0031 cyber men - the next doctor
O34 vashta merada - forest of the dead
O34 vashta merada - forest of the dead
035 Sontarans - the poison sky
036 telos cyber men - revenge of the cybermen 
045 sycorax - the Christmas invasion
048 Daley sec hybrid - Daleks in Manhattan 
102 the alliance - the pandorica opens 
104 Restac cold blood
105 cybersentry - the pandorica opens
115 canton Delaware III -day of the moon 
116 Craig Owens - the lodger
120 - Amy Ping - day of the moon
123 President Nixon - the impossible astronaut 
129 silurians - cold blood 
140 river song’s gun - bright sparky
143 sontaran pod. - pod power
151 hole in the earth - the hungry earth
154 screen angel - the time of angels 
156 giant eye - the eleventh hour 
160 - smashing rescue- the girl in the fireplace 
164 - fat attack - partners in crime 
164 - fat attack - partners in crime
050 pyrovile- the fires of Pompeii 
052 clockwork robots - the girl in the fireplace
052 clockwork robots - the girl in the fireplace
058 vortex manipulation - jack attack
062 timey wimey detector ding ding
063 laser screwdriver - mastermind
066 scarecrow army - the family of blood
075 angel attack - blink 
081 cyberking clash - the next doctor
083 Mars rescue the waters of mars
087 tardis crash landing - the eleventh hour
093 seventh doctor survival 
098 eleventh doctor a Christmas Carol
099 Karzan Sardick a Christmas Carol