Rare, Hard to Find Original FIRST EDITION from 1978 on First Edition from 1984 from VCI COMMAND PERFORMANCE, CUT into a mid-size hard storage case. The art appears to be full color reproduction computer copy inserted into the storage case. Good viewing edition. Hard to Find rare video collectible from earliest days of the home video entertainment industry.  FAST & SAFE DELIVERY.

1978. Directed by DON DOHLER. TAGLINE : "They brought terror from beyond our galaxy!" - A science ship with three dangerous specimens collected from around the universe crash lands on Earth. A mysterious stranger named "Ben Zachary" shows up claiming to be able to save the day. Can he do what he claims? A spaceship containing specimens for an intergalactic zoo crashes on Earth near a small back woods town. The specimens escape, and soon town folk are turning up mutilated. Very low budget feature was the first for Baltimore filmmaker Don Dohler. CAST includes Don Leifert, Tom Griffith, Richard Dyszel, George Stover, Richard Geiwitz. BEHIND THE SCENES TRIVIA : Don Dohler directing debut became a cult classic. The film was shot in 1972, but was shelved for six years because Don Dohlee couldn't find distribution. Then serendipity intervened. With Star Wars registering in the box-office red zone in the summer of 1977, local TV stations craved product to sate the sci-fi zeitgeist. Through a friend of a friend, Dohler sold The Alien Factor to a television distributor as part of a 15-movie package. It showed on TV all over the U.S., as well as in some Spanish-speaking nations. And while The Alien Factor never snared a legitimate theatrical run, it popped up for local midnight screenings at Baltimore movie houses.

A library of 20,000 to 30,000 video items from 1978 forward, including multiples, is being offered for the first time to the eBay community. ALL inventory is OFFSITE from eBay listing center, so singular items may not be described individually, but in general to the collection. Some images may be representative. The quality of playback and visual presentation is GOOD to VERY GOOD to FINE. Some items may be Brand New Factory Sealed, while a few may slip through in a lesser quality. These items are inspected but individual items slip through occasionally, and we apologize for this inconsistency. Please, ask questions before purchase, we will do our best to oblige you.