This auction is for a Mood Ring, I am positive this is the one I got at the store Atmosphere many moods ago. It was only one size, no info. on the size, it doesn't fit me except for my pinky so I'd say on the smaller size end, sorry, not much help I know. It's USED, but in good condition I think. It came with a color chart which is long gone and good it is too. It's better to call this a thermal ring or temperature changing ring which moods can give some kind of sway in the ring changing color but what I don't like about this is how it's having gravity trying to pull it in a way of belief so that it becomes religious when in fact the truth behind mood rings is heat and not mood, kinda like a metal detector, it doesn't detect metal it detect conductivity. So Terracotta, Hot Rocks, and power lines above your head throw off metal detectors as it's detect conductivity in all things below and ABOVE that have electricity pass through them very well hence metal, terracotta, hot rocks, and power lines, it's a misconception often grasped because the name throws off our belief and that's the point of the mood ring, it's NOT ACCURATE based on the little charts, so don't make any religion out of it, it's more of a fun novelty and can tell you if your body heat rose or mood changed but I don't need a ring to know the changing of many moods. No idols, sorcery, or false religions do I want to come from this so yes I feel a need to put that out there and I am being careful and as long as it doesn't go off in a way I warn of I see how it works and the stigma society often latches onto in regards to said item. I hope I exposed the falsehood that may arise from it and a healthy understanding is brought and even a teaching without puffed up-ness but one re-edified through perfect love.

Mood rings work because of the thermotropic liquid crystals inside many of them, (not thinking so in some versions of mood rings), these crystals help the ring change color based on body temperature. Your mood ring may not accurately predict your mood all of the time because a variety of things can affect your body temperature besides your mood, like the environment and your activity level. Every mood ring manufacturer has a different guide for their ring’s color meanings so don't make it a foundation of belief but just a  novelty or such.

Relationship Between Temperature And Emotion

Are mood rings actually precise in indicating mood changes by changing colors?

While the color change cannot match a person’s exact emotions with precision, it can reflect temperature changes caused by the body’s physiological reaction to internal sentiments. For example, when you’re worried, blood circulation is directed more toward the body’s core organs, which then decreases the temperature at the extremities of the body, including the fingers. When you are feeling normal or relaxed, your fingers will be warmer, as the blood circulation will be normal. When you get excited or perform a physically intensive chore like exercise or jogging, the rate of blood flow surges, making your fingers warmer than usual. Not as simple as the understanding is when most people first hear the name mood ring, it tries to take you off into imagination and that must no be allowed to happen or else you may place belief in non-sense things and that can effect eternal stances. God bless you and hope you can hear and see the warnings of this item yet the harmless side if understood correctly and correct others if you own it. Thanks for reading.