Clinch (6) DVD Set with GREG NELSON

Volume 1 (DVD #1):  This dvd is divided into five sections and each technique is broken down in great detail for you!

Section 1: Basic Positioning - Learn the basic positions and how to manipulate and control your opponent to set you up to score with your knees.
Section 2:  Arm Weaving - Learn five techniques to counter the head& neck grab.
Section 3:  Learn four types of knee strikes to help you launch an effective attack.
Section 4:  Positioning & Knee Counters: Learn eight techniques to set you up to control your opponent’s movements and counter his knee strikes.
Section 5:  Takedowns & Throws: Learn ten techniques for countering straight and curve knees.  Greg will show you how to trip and collapse your opponent every time he attempts to strike you with his knee.

Volume 2 (DVD #2):  This dvd is divided into five sections and each technique is broken down in great detail for you.

Section 1: Inside Neck Control Counters - Learn eight techniques to deal with an opponent who has a tight, close grip on your neck.
Section 2: Side Control Counters - Hip Pop to:  Knee, Headlock, Side Throw, Putar Kepala.
Section 3: Learn two techniques to counter the double under-arm grab.
Section 4: Thai Pad Drills. Learn six thai pad drills to train your striking accuracy, power, and flow.
Section 5:  Clinching. This section is where Greg puts it all together and shows you how to flow.  Free flow clinching (prumb in Muay Thai is shown.  Greg will show you the most effective way to train for the clinch safely and efficiently.

Volume 3 (DVD #3 & #4)Part 1 - Introduction – Pummeling – Lateral Movement – Off-Balancing – Head & Neck – Arm Drag – Re-Drag – Elbow Control – Duck Under – Scoop – Slide By – Review – Underhook – Lead With Elbow – Elbow Up – Elbow Down.  Part 2 - Midline –Side High Clinch – Law Enforcement Application – Ring Strategy – Underhook Summary – Overhook.

Volume 4 (DVD #5):  Introduction – Front Headlock Review – Double Underhook – Body Lock – Double Underhook Ground – Underhook Counters – 50-50 – Conclusion.

Volume 5 (DVD #6):  Shows you the finer points from two points of view. Jacob Volkmann focuses on the Greco style clinch and Saul Mitchell focuses on the Muay Thai / NHB style clinch.  The combination of these elements will make you a very formidable opponent in the fine art of The Clinch.

Wing Chun for MMA DVD with FRANCIS FONG

The first DVD ever done by renowned Wing Chun instructor Sifu Francis Fong!

Running Time: 1 Hour 41 Minutes

Takedown Setups Entries
Follow Ups
Trapping to Submissions
Focus Mitt Training
Wooden Dummy Training

2014 Train with the Masters WING CHUN DVD with FRANCIS FONG

Be the FIRST to own this DVD of Sifu Francis’ Wing Chun session filmed in April of 2014! Check out some of the latest trapping to takedowns setups and training methods from Sifu Francis Fong!

DVD Information: Throws, Trapping Entries, Takedown Setups, Counter Takedowns, Trapping Drills, Fundamental Drills and more!

Greg Nelson's Muay Thai Fundamentals (2) DVD Set with GREG NELSON

Featuring Nat McIntyre.

Greg Nelson & Nat McIntyre are two of the best Muay Thai instructors in the United States. In this two DVD set you will learn the fundamental techniques to get you started on your Muay Thai journey. If you are a member of the TBA (Thai Boxing Association USA), you won't want to miss this material. Ajarn Greg & Nat show you exactly what Ajarn Chai is looking for in a good Muay Thai student! Footage from some of Nat McIntyre's fights is included to show you the techniques working in real time in real fights!

Punches - Kicks - Elbows - Knees - Pad Holding - Mitt Holding - Ram Muay (ceremony) - Strategy - Respect