This listing is for a NEW Genuine Hoppes 12g boresnake.
Beware of imitations and unscrupulous dealers selling "genuine Hoppes snakes"  

Our boresnakes are genuine Hoppes. 
Boresnake, quite simply, is the 'worlds fastest gun bore cleaner' and never before has something so simple made such an impact in the shooting industry.
The revolutionary single-piece Boresnake takes the hassle and mess out of cleaning rifles and shotguns. One, two or more pulls of the Boresnake and you get a shiny clean bore thats ready for more action.
Ideal for quick cleans or for cleaning in the field. Don't be fooled by imitations, Boresnake is the only patented one-piece system out there and it comes in all the most popular calibres and gauges.
A brass weight on the pull cord has the size stamped onto it. Boresnake can be mashine washed.