This slip-on 2-part foam cavity windshield is tough enough to withstand the rigours of modern day ENG and location recording, whilst still being practical.

Constructed of specially designed open-cell acoustic foam base and covered by a thin foam outer skin, Smoothies offer up to 22 dB of wind-noise reduction without any adverse effect on High-Frequency. In addition, the foam used is not susceptible to UV or moisture damage, giving this product great longevity.

The Smoothie will reduce wind-noise, protect your mic and even act as a recognisable asset. Smoothie windshields are available in a large range of sizes, to match Softie sizes, and fit most popular shotgun microphones.

Smoothie windshields can be shock-mounted using either the Softie Lyre Mount or the on-camera InVision™ Video Mount. Because of they’re smooth nature, Smoothies are often preferred, as they’re less obtrusive.

For applications requiring increased wind protection, removable Windjammer™ are available, extending product versatility. Smoothie Windjammer™ can offer up to 22 dB of wind-noise attenuation and are made using Softie fur.

Available in a colourful selection.

Suitable for shotgun microphones, with slots no further than 5 cm from the front of the mic.