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POWER ONE HEARING AID BATTERIES, MADE IN GERMANY, Pack of 60 batteries ( 10 dial pack of 6)

Voltage: 1.4 Volts 
Capacity: 100 mAh 
Chemistry: Zinc Air 
1 Year Warranty 
Replaces: PR70, B010, B20PA, 10HP, DA10H, DA10N, AC230E, AC230EZ, AC10, EZ10, ME10Z, PR230H, P10, 10AE, L10ZA, 10A, ZA10, 10SA, S10A, W10ZA and A10.

How long should your batteries last? The best way to get a good estimate on what your battery life should be is for you to test the battery. Browse our large selection of hearing aid batteries. This "Power One 10 Zinc Air Batteries (1.45V Dial Pack/6, 60 pcs)" is the ideal power supply, especially for today´s digital hearing aids. The air holes of the battery are initially sealed with a protective tab. They are kept in an "inactive state" until they are needed. Note that it can only be stored for a limited period and should be used as quickly as possible once the film is removed.