NOTE The bag is for reference only. We we package your order in smaller plastic ziplock bags when we ship!

Neutralize Acidic Soils

Stunted growth and yellowed leaves can indicate your soil is too acidic for plants to absorb the nutrients they need for healthy growth. Adding lime will bring pH levels into a more neutral range.

  • Top-quality garden lime
  • Reacts quickly, yet gently
  • Powder for easy application
  • Test your soil pH before you apply
  • 5 lbs treats about 100 sq feet

  • Worm Beds

    Avoiding acidity is extremely important as acidic soil can cause your worms to escape or even die.
    In order to avoid acidity, one teaspoon of garden lime or worm farm soil conditioner can be added every week being lightly sprinkled over the top of the soil.