Dirty Riffs Guitar Shop

12 x New Jim Dunlop Nylon Max Grip Standard Plectrums
2 Of Each Size In A Handy Pick Tin

2 x 0.60mm, 2 x 0.73mm, 2 x 0.88mm
2 x 1.00mm, 2 x 1.14mm, 2 x 1.50mm

Like the Max Grip Jazz III plectrums, these larger 'standard' versions feature the new excellent Dunlop grip surface ensuring these plectrums never leave your hand whilst playing or even twist when you just about to finish that mentally fast guitar solo.

Made from nylon, if your a fan of the standard nylon picks or you need a plectrum with a superior grip, you should definitely give these a try.

Orders Received by 12 noon are normally sent out the same day.

Thanks very much!