After payment is received you will receive the following:
-A PDF FILE  of the instructions. The instructions are in a PDF file that you will be able to view in Adobe Reader. It provides step by step instructions with the box up top for each step showing what pieces are needed for each step.
-A parts list that opens up right in your web browser that will allow you to modify part quantities to reflect what pieces you still need. The parts list show the following for each piece: a picture, the part number, the color, the quantity and the description of the piece.
-A XML file for easy uploading into bricklinks wanted items section so you can easily track down the pieces.

The model that you will get instructions for is:
-Club 23 Speakeasy - Club 23 Speakeasy is straight out of the prohibition days of the 1920's which is why there is a Model A included as well. Up front there is a very small shop to provide cover for what is behind. The speakeasy is accessed through the phone booth. Your minifigs will be treated to a small casino and bar in the back room. There is a roulette table, craps table, piano and a bar. If the police arrive the top of the gaming tables can be covered up, the roulette wheel can be flipped over on to cover the top of the barrel where all the drinks are thrown. Upstairs there is a small brewery and an office for the gangster that controls the whole operation. We will send you a PDF file, XML file and a parts list so you can build this model with your own pieces.     

If you like this model check out our book: The Lego Neighborhood Book
and The Lego Neighborhood Book 2.

- Files on a CD sent to you. Might take a week or two to get the CD in the mail. Ask if you need clarification on delivery.