LANGUAGE: Mandarin Chinese     SUBTITLES: English

Color     Running time approximately 91 minutes

In the 1930s, Twilight, an art teacher who as a result of war injuries was left crippled and impotent, settled down in a village in the west of central China's Hunan Province. He made a living by selling kites and later taught himself to read palms. Thanks to Twinkle, a village teacher, Twilight married Rainbow, a girl who could not speak, but who showed a talent for playing the cello. On clear days, which were very rare in that area, Rainbow indulged in fantasies about falling in love with a young knight in red.

Then came Sunshine, a music student who was collecting folk songs. When Rainbow saw him, she realized he was the man she had been dreaming of. They decided to elope for Shanghai, when the War against Japanese aggression broke out. Sunshine joined the defending army and was killed in battle. The Japanese forces then occupied the town and killed Rainbow's father.

Twinkle, who had secretly been in love with Rainbow, risked his life to kill dozens of Japanese soldiers in revenge. Rainbow fell in love with Twinkle and decided to run away with him. On the very morning of their departure, they found themselves surrounded by the Japanese army...

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