
*Strongest* LEGAL Testosterone Booster Turns Man Into Silverback GORILLA?

Get Ready For A Testosterone Explosion - As YOU Become The Ultimate Silverback Gorilla Alpha Male!   
Great ready to EXPLODE your muscle gains, your libido and your alpha-maleness! One of the most powerful testosterone boosters on the market is about to unleash your inner beast!

Get Ready For A Testosterone Explosion - As YOU Become The Ultimate Silverback Gorilla Alpha Male!

 Get ready to EXPLODE your muscle gains, your libido and your alpha-maleness! One of the most powerful testosterone boosters on the market is about to unleash your inner beast - Gorilla Testo!

Here’s why 'Gorilla Testo' is DIFFERENT from other ‘Test Boosters’ you’ll see online:

 1) It was specifically formulated to contain THE most scientifically proven-powerful ingredients out there today – and ONLY these ingredients, combined together into a powerful synergistic blend and

2) It contains these ingredients in the RIGHT amountsno puny dosages allowed! We are talking SERIOUS dosages here to ensure your body responds – but still at a SAFE and legal level!

The result is arguably the most powerful testosterone booster on the market right now. With FIVE extra-strong ingredients – READ the full description (below) for the amazing details on these extraordinary supplements and how they can help boost TEST!

FIRST T-BOOST INGREDIENT: D-Aspartic acid, also known as DAA.  This stuff is an amino acid that is thought to affect the release of testosterone in the body.  In one study, they gave a group of 23 men a daily dose of DAA for 12 days (source 1).  The researchers found that “D-aspartate induces an enhancement of LH and testosterone release” – in other words…in human subjects, they found a notably increase in testosterone. That’s impressive stuff.

SECOND T-BOOST INGREDIENT: Shilajit. This ‘magical’ Indian herb is renowned as being a ‘rejuvenator’, strength-giver, and aphrodisiac. One scientific study showed an increase in testosterone in certain men – noting “…testosterone…levels significantly increased…”

THIRD T-BOOST INGREDIENT: High-Strength Maca Extract (5:1). Maca is a herb loaded with protein, and it comes from Peruvian Andres mountains. And it’s been used as a natural libido booster and all-around ‘male’ booster for centuries. It can help increase energy, improve your mood, and improve sexual desire.

One study done on male cyclists found that: “14 days…supplementation improved 40 km cycling time trial performance and sexual desire in trained male cyclists” (Source 3).

L-Arginine - the #1 amino for improving athletic and workout performance (and any other 'performance'), which may help also play a role in Human-Growth-Hormone-release. It's also a potent 'vasodilator' - in English, it opens up the blood vessels, which leads to explosive 'pumps', greater blood flow and frankly it helps UNLEASH THE BEAST.

And FINALLY: Tribulus Terrestris
– the Bulgarian ‘Wunderkind’ that was fabled to produce outlandish ‘Test’ gains in powerlifters some years ago. These guys were legends back in the day, known for outrageous strength and almost-grossly muscular physiques. How? The secret was thought to be Tribulus Terrestris!

So here's what we've done: we've combined ALL these together into one super 'T-Boosting' supplement - and we're offering up here today.

ALL ingredients are completely natural!

 WHO can benefit from this product?

Pretty much any guy, of any age.

Regardless of who you are, what age you are, the more testosterone you have circulating in your body, the better your muscle building and ‘physique enhancing’ results are likely to be.

Results you can NOTICE…

In fact, I’m convinced that in just a week or two…you’ll start noticing the results. Your strength will increase. Your will be able to lift more easily, you’ll be able to see more muscle piling up…you may even notice an increased sex drive.

And yes – you’ll probably notice more confidence too…

There's a REASON we put a SILVERBACK GORILLA on the front of each bottle - because that's what can happen when you take this stuff - YOU become the ALPHA male that others FEAR!

Don’t be surprised if you start to notice that you’ve developed a kind of ‘aura’ that makes other men fear you a little…and that makes ladies STOP when you walk in the room. Call it biology or something else – but that’s what happens when testosterone starts circulating through your body.

Basically…YOU become a more powerful all-around man...

(after all, testosterone is what makes a man – a man!)

Don’t be surprised if you can literally blast through your previous bench press record.

In fact, don't be surprised at all if your previous records in the gym get smashed to pieces.

Heck, people even look at you differently (yes - including members of the opposite sex) when testosterone is coursing through your body.

There is something about a man with increased testosterone – people can smell it on him. It’s like he IS the ‘Alpha Male’ that other men look up to.

That's the REAL benefit of more testosterone pumping through your body. 

So what's the price?

Just £14.95 per bottle. 90 capsules per bottle. Based on taking 3 capsules per day, that's a 30 day supply. OR - buy two bottles and save £5 - and take this all the way to the limit! That's peanuts compared to the benefits that 'Gorilla Testo' can give you.

Order 'Gorilla Testo' today. Simply choose how many bottles you'd like, and checkout right now.

What dosage to take?

We'd recommend starting with 3 capsules per day (based on three caps per day, this bottle will last a full month). Once the effects hit, you can decide to up the dose (or reduce) as required from there.

Order today.

Research Sources Cited:

Source 1: The role and  molecular mechanism of D-aspartic acid in the release and synthesis of  LH and testosterone in humans and rats - Reprod Biol End, 2009

Source 2: Clinical evaluation of spermatogenic activity of processed Shilajit in oligospermia, Andrologia, 2010

Source 3: A pilot investigation into the effect of maca supplementation on physical activity and sexual desire in sportsmen, EC, 2009

Source 4: Effects of Maca Food  Supplement on Sportsmen’s Bodily Adaptation to Physical Loads. Kazs  Milašius et al.Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania


About Us - And Why We Should Be Your Number One Choice For Vitamins and Supplements!

Maverick Labs are different from most online supplement sellers for two reasons.

Firstly, because we personally source the best ingredients from a large network of suppliers - to ensure optimum quality of what's actually going into your supplement.

And secondly, because we expertly manufacture our own supplements. This ensures two important points - two things that are unfortunately sorely missing from other online supplement vendors.

1) We know we're using some of the best ingredients available for our supplements.

2) We know exactly what goes in them! Because we manufacture ourselves, we know exactly what goes in the supplements. We use the maximum yet safest dosages, and we ensure they are unadulerated with any other possible harmful substances!

On both counts, this ensures you're getting the best possible supplement for your money. Throw in the fact that we buy ingredients in large bulk to bring you the lowest possible prices, and you can see why we believe our supplements are the most effective and yet most value for money you'll find anyplace else!

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