
Pack of 15 Fresh seeds of Jacaranda mimosifolia – with full instructions for germination

fast growing tree from South America, eventually growing to a height of around 40 feet (12 m) within the ground, although staying much smaller if grown within a pot.

Deciduous, lacy, fern-like foliage composed of bright-green leaflets – very attractive even when not in flower or in leaf.  The leaves, as the name suggests, resemble those of a mimosa

The tree produces a spectacular long-lasting flowering display during spring and summer, where panicles of fragrant trumpet-shaped lavender flowers (each 3.5cm-5cm long) cover the tree.  A lavender carpet of fallen blossoms then forms underneath

The trees are easy to keep small (if desired) with pruning.  Makes an excellent bonsai tree as the roots are very shallow and it is easily dwarfed

Growing Details

Height: 40 feet (12m), but only a few feet in height if grown in a shallow bonsai pot

Plant type: Deciduous tree

Hardiness: Hardy to -7ºC (19.4ºF) or -12ºC (10.4ºF) with some protection.  It is wise to protect younger trees from any frost with a fleece or bubble wrap, or bring indoors while there is chance of frost.  If the tips of the plant ever get damaged by a frost, new shoots will appear from pruning back  into healthier growth

Sun Exposure: Full sun to partial shade (blooms better in full sun)

Flowering time: Spring to summer

Soil: Fertile, moist and well-drained.  Keep soil drier over winter

Propagation methods: Cuttings, grafting and from seeds


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