The movie is set months before Toyotomi Hideyoshi's invasion of the Korean peninsula and portrays two relatively obscure historical figures. Mong-Hak Lee, an illegitimate son of the king, led a rebellion that ended in failure, and Jung-Hak Hwang was one of the top three medical practitioners in the Chosun Dynasty. The plot is simple - a son pursuing his father's killer - but what makes the movie interesting is the historical background. The society was so mired in rigid class system that prevented certain people (e.g. illegitimate children) from rising farther regardless of their abilities, and the ruling class was so bent on party politics that one would automatically oppose the other regardless of the facts (i.e. both parties knew that the Japan invasion was imminent).

Korean Language and English Subtitled 
All Region Dvd
Distributed By : Bonzai Media Corporation