"Successful Surgery" is designed to help you experience a comfortable, successful surgery and recovery. When you are relaxed, your muscles can feel more relaxed. 

Create positive expectancy and jump start the healing process by learning how to focus, relax your muscles using your creative imagination.

About Imadulation® Guided Imagery

The mental images we hold can affect not only our emotions, but also our physiology.  Guided Imagery is a technique that utilizes positive sensorial experiences which can enhance the mind-body connection.  Imadulation's unique Guided Imagery contains Ellen Simon's prosodic, soothing & melodic voice spoken over peaceful music with sounds from nature. 

Imadulation’s guided imagery products are combined with binaural audio, a technique which can promote a sense of calm and relaxation for some listeners.

Guided Imagery is recognized by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a safe and effective complementary approach for mind-body wellness.  Imadulation’s Guided Imagery contains educational relaxation training designed to help you work towards countering the progression of the stress response, reducing hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system and creating an experience of physical relaxation of the muscles and practicing deep meditative breathing. 

Track 1: Successful Surgery - Intro 

Track 2: Successful Surgery - Induction 

Track 3: Successful Surgery - Journey

Track 4: Successful Surgery - Stress Management Techiniques 

Total time: 1:15:00


*Disclaimer: Individual results may vary. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.



Sample Audio:


"I am home almost three days after the surgery and so am still dealing with a lot of pain and tiredness. But the operation was a success. They wound up having to replace my heart valve because the repairs wouldn't hold. I needed three transfusions overall. The "preparation for Successful Surgery" CD was great. I listened to it nearly every other day before the surgery. By the time I arrived at the surgery, I was not in a panic, nervous, or hysterical in any way.

So I had achieved what I wanted (with your help) and that was very heartening and very soothing. The importance for me of that reassurance and positive energy was really critical. combating emotional fear was so difficult for me to do on my own, and the sources of strength that I tapped into really did me a great benefit.

Thanks again for your help. I hope we stay in touch. I believe we are on the same path, you with your wonderful CDs and me with my artwork."

All the best,