Sodium Silicate Solution, 16oz

 Sodium silicate (water glass) is a clear, colorless liquid. Used in soaps, detergents, adhesives and in waterproofing. Commonly used to seal small cracks or leaks in automotive cooling systems.

Chemical Formula: Na2Si3O7
Appearance: Clear, syrupy liquid
Chemical Grade: Technical
Quantity: 16oz
CAS: 1344-09-8

Sodium Silicate Physical and Chemical Properties...

  • Sodium silicate:  37.5% Wt.%
  • Water:  62.5% Wt%
  • Appearance:  Thick liquid.
  • Color:  Clear to hazy white.
  • Odor:  Odorless or musty odor.
  • pH:  Approximately 11.3
  • Specific gravity:  1.39 g/cm3 (at 20C), 41° Be, 11.62 lbs/gal
  • Solubility in water:  Miscible