Don Quijote de la Mancha Vol I, II
by: Miguel de Cervantes

Ribbed Outer Spine,

Ribbon Bookmarker



This 2-book set is a small version of "Don Quijote de la Mancha", written in Spanish, and edited by Briceño Editores from Lima Peru.  A great addition to any collection of small and miniature books or a great gift-giving idea. You will need a pair of magnifying glasses to be able to read this version of the Quijote.

Edited by Briceño Editores S.R.L
Language: Spanish / Español
First Edition, Febrero 2006, Lima Peru 
(width x height x depth):  0.84 x 2.65 x 2.00 inches (2.13 x 6.67 x 5.10 cm)
423 pages each