Gunpowder Green Tea

The consumption of green tea is believed to have originated in China sometime before 2700 BC, where it has been enjoyed both as a beverage drink for its wonderful taste and for its incredible health benefits, such as: strengthening the immune system and helping the body fight free radicals which helps maintain a healthy body and youthful appearance. 

It has become popular in the entire world since it was first drunk in the Orient and has since then been enjoyed both as a highly potent health supplement and as the incredible beverage that it is.

High in antioxidants and amino acid theanine, this green tea is expertly blended for a rich and powerful aroma, 

leaving a cup full of fantastic flavours for you to enjoy.

Caffeine content: approx 20mg per cup

Taste: strong honeyed and slightly smoky

Brewing Tips:

Water temperature is a critical factor.
Too hot water brings out bitter taste and sweet and complex flavours will be lost.

- Bring a kettle to boil and leave for about 3 min to cool down to 70-90C
- Measure appr. one teaspoon of tea leaves per cup of tea
- Steeping time: Chinese green teas usually require 1-4 min to steep. Experimenting is recommended within that range.