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Multistandard Sound Processor

Family with Viritual Dolba Surround

Manufactured by: Micronas


Sound IF Processing, Analog Sound, IF Input Demodulator: Standards and Features Preprocessing of Demodulator Signals, Automatic Sound, Select Preprocessing for SCART and I2S Input Signals Source Selection and Output Channel Matrix Audio Baseband Processing, Automatic Volume Correction (AVC) Loudspeaker and Headphone

Outputs Subwoofer, Output Quasi-Peak Detector Virtual Surround System Application Tips Sweet Spot Clipping Loudspeaker Requirements Cabinet Requirements, SCART Signal Routing, SCART DSP In and SCART Out.

Select Stand-by Mode, I2S Bus Interface, ADR Bus Interface, Digital Control I/O Pins and Status Change Indication Clock, PLL Oscillator and Crystal


Control Interface I2C Bus, Interface Device and Subaddresses, Description of CONTROL Register, Protocol Description Proposals for General MSP 34x1G I2C, Telegrams Symbols, Write Telegrams, Read Telegrams.

Examples Start-Up Sequence: Power-Up and I2C Controlling, MSP 34x1G Programming Interface, User Registers Overview Description of User Registers STANDARD SELECT Register.

(Datenblatt auf Wunsch per e-mail !!!)


Shipping cost:

Europa, Europäische Union, Österreich, Schweiz: 3,95 Euro
Nordamerika, Nordafrika, Naher Osten: 3,95 Euro
Lateinamerika, Asien, Mittel- und Südafrika, Australien, Ozeanien: 3,95 Euro


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