
The Continuum advantage.
Exxodus•Phosphyx is an extremely porous filtration medium designed to be used in all aquariums and aquatic systems for chemical filtration (phosphate & silicate removal) as well as bio-filtration. It literally has the highest surface area of any filtration medium in the world, by far, yet it provides excellent flow characteristics! Each liter of Exxodus•Phosphyx provides over 320,000 square feet of surface area internally for bacterial colonization and even more vast surface area due to GFO spicule and “fur” formation during the ceramic formation.

Exxodus•Phosphyx is unique in that it is doped with GFO (ferric oxyhydroxide) which is bound in the material as well as coated onto all the vast surface area and acts to remove unwanted phosphate and silicate from aquarium water more efficiently than any other known material. It works extremely well in nano aquariums, as well as systems of all sizes. It is particularly well suited to reef systems with live rock including FOWLR systems. Use in a canister filter, reactor, or other type of aquarium filter with slow to moderate water flow. Do not fluidize because the product may grind down or release particles into the aquarium due to mechanical action. It should be subjected to a low and non-turbulent flow rate, if possible.

This media holds it PO4 removal properties for 1-2 years. YES 1-2 years!!!!!. That means it out performs all the standard medias and resin out there. Plus when it no longer pulls out PO4 it still operates in the same way as the BIO MEDIA (in our other listings) and lasts for around 45 years as biological media. It's mind blowing!!!!!!!!.

250 ml of this plus the Nitryx plus the BAC placed in an external filter will turn filtration figures on their head. As your filter will operate to clean over 7,000 litres of water now instead of standard external filter figures of around 100 to 600 litres.

It can work placed anywhere in a steady flow of water, no need to fluidise just protect it from getting gunged up.

Use in aquarium keeping.
If corals react negatively to the material, it may be a sign that phosphate is being removed too aggressively. If this happens, remove the material for a couple of days and then replace only half as much as you were previously using.

Directions and protocol.

Utilise a minimum of 50 ml (about 6 - 10 cubes) of Exxodus•Phosphyx for every 100 U.S. gallons, (400 L) of aquarium volume, more if phosphate levels or bio-load dictates. Rinse Exxodus•Phosphyx gently in deionized or reverse osmosis water. If using for biological filtration, Pre-seed the product by placing it in a plastic bucket, submerged in aquarium water, and adding the recommended dose for your aquarium size of BacterClean or BacterGen. Allow the product to remain in this soak for 24 hours, stirring gently occasionally or agitating the liquid by pouring out and back into the container, gently. Place the seeded Exxodus•Phosphyx into your filter. The use of a pre-filtration filter floss, sponge or other mechanical pre-filtration is recommended to prevent fouling.

250 ml will treat up to 500 gallons of water (2,250 litres)

500 ml will treat up to 1000 gallons of water (4,500 litres)

1000 ml will treat up to 2000 gallons of water (9,000 litres)

2000 ml will treat up to 4000 gallons of water (18,000 litres)

When it comes to water filtration Continuum are ahead of the game. Checkout our shop for more filtration medias in the range that will optimise filtration saving you both time and money.

Lasts longer than any resin medias out there.