1 Gallon Premium Best Pumpkin Oil 

100% Pure Organic  Refined


Pumpkin seed oil is just simply the oil taken from pumpkin seeds. It is a very popular ingredient in recipes of Eastern Europe. The traditional way of making pumpkin seed oil is still practised in the countries of Slovenia, Romania, Croatia, Hungary and in the Styria region of Austria. There it is made from roasted seeds of the local pumpkin variety. This oil is very thick in density and highly colored. Pumpkin seed oil is healthy for the body because it contains many health boosting nutrients, especially the essential fatty acids and some vitamins and minerals in low amounts. This oil is well tolerated when applied topically or when ingested.

Organic Ingredients:100% Pure Cold Pressed Pumpkin Seed Carrier Oil.

Botanical Name: Cucurbita pepo

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed Refined

Color: Clear, light yellow liquid.

Aromatic Description: Typical and Characteristic of Carrier Oils.

General Package/Form Information:
2 oz up to Gallon - Clear/Amber High Quality PET Plastic Bottles BPA free with a Disc Top Lid or Regular Lid
0.6 oz & 1.1 oz - Amber Glass Bottles with a Dropper or Cap
4 oz up to Gallon Bottles are Sealed

All our oils are fresh and bottled daily. Expiration date is at least 12 month from sale date



Let us analyse the therapeutic properties of pumpkin seed oil.
  •  Anti-hypertensive  - has the ability to lower blood pressure.
  • Cardio - protective - can protect the cardiovascular system from disease.
  • Antioxidant - contains many free radical scavenging nutrients.
  • Diuretic - the oil shows strong diuretic effects.
  • Galactagogue - increases mother's milk production
  • Anti-parasitic - aids the body in killing and expelling intestinal worms.
  • Anti-rheumatic - reduces inflammation because of powerful essential fatty acids.
  • Anti-insomnia - this oil may help one fall asleep faster. Not yet evaluated, but possibly because of tryptophan in the seed oil.
  • Anti-inflammatory - reduces inflammation all over the body.
  • Antioxidant  - shows powerful activity against free radicals.
  • Prostate tonic - Pumpkin seed oil is one of the most powerful prostate tonic for men. It boosts the health of the prostate and protects it from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
  • Emollient - moisturizes the skin.
  • Anti-oedema- works against fluid build up in the body.
Pumpkin seed oil's greatest medicinal application is in the condition of BPH. However, it can also prove to be helpful in bladder cystitis and urinary disorders.

Uses And Health Benefits

Pumpkin seed oil has some potent health benefits because of its therapeutic properties.

1. Pumpkin seed oil for skin The oil has a nice nutty flavor. It can be applied topically directly on the skin. Take a few drops of this oil ( go for refined oil as it is thinner ) and apply it on the skin. Let it absorb in the skin. This moisturizes the skin and makes it look hydrated. Pumpkin seed oil provides the skin with Vitamin E, antioxidants and essential fatty acids ( fats ) along with carotenoids which are required for healthy skin. This oil therefore boosts skin health and promotes better functioning. 

2. Pumpkin seed oil for hair loss Instead of applying this thick and dense oil on scalp, better take it as health supplement in diet. Taking pumpkin seed oil may help with hair loss for men. It has not been proved. Pumpkin seed oil has some effect on testosterone and androgen, both of which play an important role in hair loss. It may have a DHT ( Dihydrotestosterone ) inhibiting activity  which is helpful in hair loss.  Try including 1 teaspoon of pumpkin seed oil in diet and look at the results. 

3. Get rid of intestinal parasites  One can try this oil to get rid of parasites thriving in the intestine, like ascaris. Take 1 teaspoon of pumpkin seed oil in salads and other recipes without heating the oil. The oil works when it contains cucurbitin ( a bitter compound found in seeds ). Pumpkin seeds definitely have this effect and it is more pronounced than that in oil. 

4. Antioxidant capacity Taking pumpkin seed oil in diet provides us with many antioxidants which come from the seed. Along with this, it also affects the levels of other prominent antioxidant in the body. This creates a synergistic effect, where nutrients from one food boost power of antioxidants from another food, or those produced by the body naturally.   

5. Pumpkin seed oil for arthritis Adding 1 teaspoon of pumpkin seed oil in diet can have a pominent effect on arthritic pain in the joints. The natural oil works similar to many NSAIDs ( non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ) for relieving pain caused by arthritis. This effect is attributed to the antioxidants which prevent free radical damage in the body and also reduce inflammation.  

6. Cardiovascular health boost Pumpkin seed oil has been found to positively affect the plasma lipid profile, which may imply better cardiovascular health. The oil has LDL cholesterol lowering effect [3] by improving the proportion of HDL cholesterol in the total cholesterol profile. HDL cholesterol is actually good for the body when it is within the safe limits and is used for many very important activities and chemical reactions inside the body. This oil also has a triglyceride lowering effect which is deemed as good for the cardiovascular health. [4] Pumpkin seed oil exerts a protective effect on the heart and the aorta ( largest artery in the body ). It is speculated that the oil leads to the production of NO ( nitric oxide ) which leads to arterial dilation, reduction in blood pressure and a relaxed flow of blood. [5] One should however that pumpkin seed oil is after all an oil, and it is rich in fats. So one should take it in moderation.\

7. Effects on the urinary system Pumpkin seed oil is a kind of kidney and urinary tonic. It reduces pressure on the bladder, promotes release of excess stored water in body through increased urine output. It may also prevent formation of kidney stones and reduce burning sensation while urination which occurs either occasionally or because of a condition. This effect can be observed when taking pumpkin seed oil internally, or through massage over the lower abdomen. Pumpkin seed oil can also reduce the events of bed wetting in kids. 

8. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) BPH is a condition in which there is enlargement of the prostate, not caused by a cancer. So, it is benign. This enlargement of an organ leads to elevation of inflammation markers in the blood. [6]For the person, BPH causes urinary urgency, hesitation and a confused state related to urination. This may also make the urinary system weak in front of an infection. Irregular urination disturbs sleep, which affects health when this continues for a long time. Pumpkin seed oil leads to improvement in the health and size of the prostate and relief from the symptoms of BPH.

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