The bunting features a great selection of aqua and gold fabrics - a very versatile look for any occasion.
There are 15 flags measuring just under 4 inches wide and 4 and a half inches long.
They have been sewn with one seam down the back and a triangular flap folded over this to give a lovely dimensional look. 
This has been folded over a natural jute cord to give a very shabby chic look.
The total length of the flag portion is 60 inches (1.5 metre) with 15 inches (38 cm) at each end to use as ties. 
This bunting could be hung up in a child's bedroom or strung among the branches of a tree or bush to give a very festive and fun look.
Bunting is great to use in photography for that extra appeal and professional finish. Great for birthdays to add that extra look.