Independent testing shows measured fuel savings of  up to 14%


 Greentech D10: DIESEL 

For cars, SUVs small vans, diesel boats, generators, diesel pumps,  mowing equipment etc


  • ·         Suitable Fuel Type:  DIESEL
  • ·         Tank Capacity:  Up to 100 Litres**
  • ·         Contents:  Greentech Molecule Enhancer x 1 (note photo shows 2 items but package contains 1) 
  • ·         Simply Fit and Forget.  No maintenance. Lasts for years.

 Unlike many devices this is NOT a soluble fuel additive so does NOT dissolve in the fuel and will not affect vehicle warranty.   It is NOT a fuel magnet . 

**If fuel Capacity is more than 100 Litres, additional Fuel Savers can be added or choose one of the larger versions.

For petrol vehicles see our “G”series of devices.

#Ask to see our independent test reports California Envir. Eng. LLC  SAE J1321. ITRI, Murdoch University review. 

How to use the Greentech Device.

Simply drop the Greentech device into your fuel tank and allow it to interact with your fuel for at least 30 minutes.   This product makes an ideal companion to those operating an HHO engine carbon cleaning business because while you are on site for the carbon clean the Greentech device can also be fitted, all within one call. It is also of benefit to MOT service centres as it can be added to the fuel tank an hour before the emissions test to bring vehicles which are borderline for an MOT emissions pass, within range.

IMPORTANT Many fuel tanks have an anti-siphon device in the filler pipe so it must not be dropped into the filler tube. Instead the Greentech device needs to be added to the tank via the fuel sender access port. These ports are typically large diameter screw caps found under the back seat of the vehicle.  A search on Google should help you to identify it. The Greentech device must be fully submerged in the fuel in order to work.  If in doubt ask a garage to fit the device for you.

What is the Greentech Fuel Saver?

The Greentech Fuel Saver is a metal capsule containing a chemically coated ceramic which, when in contact with the fuel, reduces the surface tension of the fuel within the fuel tank of the vehicle. The reduced surface tension leads to improved atomisation of the fuel durng fuel injection.  The increased surface area and exposure to the air during combustion results in an improved burn, better fuel economy and lower exhaust emissions. 

The active component emits IR at specific wavelengths and the mode of action is physical, not chemical. There are no catalysts to deteriorate or chemicals to consume and consequently it will last for years providing the tank does not contain high levels of sludge.

What are the benefits of installing the Greentech Fuel Saver?

The Greentech Fuel Saver can: -

·         Increase your fuel economy,

·         reduce harmful emissions,

·         increase horsepower

·         prolong the life of your engine.  

Example. The photos of the monitor above are of a standard UK MOT emissions test  before and after fitting the device to a Ford Mondeo TDCi with ~123,000 miles on the clock.  The results show initial diesel smoke emission levels of 2.02 average. The device was added and the vehicle retested the following morning. Smoke emissions had reduced to just 0.94 representing a 55.5% reduction. The same vehicle, fuel, test station, & technician were used. We have numerous professional independent test lab results showing improved fuel economy IRO 4-14% and greatly reduced emissions - just ask for details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I test the results for myself?

Yes you can. There is more than one testing method you can use depending on whether you would like to test exhaust emissions, fuel economy, or both. Before testing, you should ensure that your vehicle (or engine) is in good orderUse controlled conditions. You should service the engine and change the oil for accurate results. Check your tyre pressures and when doing on road mileage tests, try to fill up at the same pump at the same Service Station. You can use an exhaust gas analyser to check your emissions prior to installation and again 30 minutes after installation. Always run your engine at half maximum RPM for 5 to 10 minutes after installation in order to  use up the untreated fuel between the fuel tank and the engine. For on road economy testing, An exact fixed run which can be duplicated can be used for short term before and after results, otherwise economy records can be maintained for at least  30 days, but ideally 90 days depending on the variance in use prior to installation, and then again after installation. for controlled results, you can also use a Dynomometer which can give you performance and exhaust results in a single session. Please see the Testing Procedure link for full instructions on how to perform testing.

Can I increase my savings by installing additional Greentech Fuel Savers?

No. Providing that the correct type and number of molecule enhancers have been fitted, there is always a maximum achievable outcome. Regardless of how new and efficient, or old and primitive your engine may be, the common denominator is the fuel itself. There is always a percentage of fuel molecules that will not be exposed to combustion due to aggregation in its untreated form. Once you have achieved the smallest possible molecule units (nano-granular fuel) you will have maximized your fuel efficiency. Adding more devices will be of no further benefit.

Will the Greentech Fuel Saver perform if my fuel tank is contaminated with sludge?

Many contaminants can reduce the performance of the Fuel Saver. The specially formulated ceramic material is designed to react with the molecular properties of fuel. Other contaminants can interfere with the reaction. In some cases, it is possible that the molecule enhancer could become clogged and damaged by the sludge, and in other cases it may even cause the sludge to break down and move through the fuel system clogging the fuel filter. The Greentech fuel saver can not clean out a blocked fuel filter. If you have any reason to suspect that your fuel tank is contaminated then it should be cleaned prior to the installation of the Greentech Fuel Saver.

Do I need to make any adjustments after installing the Greetech Fuel Saver?

On modern vehicles, tuning and idle settings are controlled automatically by the ECU (Electronic Control Unit) which uses information from sensors in the vehicle to maintain optimal settings. In this type of engine, regardless of whether it is petrol or diesel, there are no adjustments for you to make. In some cases, the sudden change in exhaust content picked up by the Oxygen Sensor may cause the ECU to try and re-tune for this changed data causing the engine to run slightly erratically for a few moments. This will normally happen when the engine first tastes the treated fuel. After installation you should always run your engine at 50% of full rpm for 5 to 10 minutes to run out untreated fuel between the fuel tank and the engine and this is when this phenomenon may occur. In some instances, you may observe sooty carbon deposits being exhausted. This is both normal and a good thing. Any erratic running will settle down in a few moments. On older engines with manual idle adjustments, it can happen that the improved combustion may cause the idle RPM to increase slightly. In this case, the idle RPM should be adjusted by a suitably competent or qualified person.

Do I need to perform the engine rev every time I purchase fuel?

No. You only need to run out the untreated fuel when the Fuel Saver is first installed. After that, you drive and fuel your vehicle as per normal although it is advantageous to fill up before the tank drops too low so that you leave a proportion of treated fuel in tank. 

When can I expect results?

The reaction time on a tank of fuel is only 30 minutes. If you have been recording your fuel consumption prior to installation, you can continue your records immediately afterwards. If you are doing exhaust gas analysis, you can take readings 30 minutes after installation. Don’t forget to run through the untreated fuel between the tank and the engine before testing. With older engines which may have significant carbon deposits, you may not achieve full fuel savings until the engine has had a chance to clean itself. This can take up to 5000 Klm’s depending on the condition of the engine. If you are doing gas analysis, you will expect this if you see increases rather than decreases in carbon elements. This will tell you that the engine was dirty. You will however see a decrease in Nox (oxides of Nitrogen) output as Nox is not linked to carbon consumption. The reduction in Nox confirms more complete combustion.

Can I use Greentech petrol fuel saver on diesel engines, or diesel fuel saver on petrol engines?

No. The molecular properties of petrol (gasoline) and diesel fuels are different to each other. The specific composition of the ceramic compounds used in the Greentech Fuel Saver for petrol and diesel applications is specifically formulated for each fuel type. To achieve best results, only use the correct product for the fuel type.

Can I install the Greentech Fuel Saver myself?

The installation method varies according to the application. The Greentech Molecule Enhancer must be in direct contact with the fuel, and therefore must be installed into the fuel tank. It must be remembered the fuel is a hazardous and flammable substance. In some applications such as motorcycles, stationary machinery, some marine applications, and other machinery applications the fuel is clearly visible in the tank with the filler cap off. In these cases it is simple to drop the device in. In other applications such as many motor vehicles, it may be necessary to access the fuel tank through the fuel pump or fuel sender unit service point. The filler itself often has an anti-siphon valve fitted. Unless you are suitably skilled to perform this type of installation, then you should have a qualified mechanic or an authorized Greentech installer do the job for you. Please view installation for more information.

Can using the Greentech Fuel Saver affect my warranty?

No. Using the Greentech Fuel saver does not make any modification to your vehicle or machine, it works only with fuel and air so it will have no affect on your warranty. Additionally, no part of the Greentech fuel saver is consumed in the process, nor does it release any chemicals into the fuel,  so there is no residue or material that can enter your fuel system.

Is this the only product of its type?

There are certainly no shortage of fuel saving devices on the market. These include magnets, electronic boxes that you plug into your cigarette lighter, airflow enhancers, petrol pills, and many other variations. Some of these can be bought from overseas manufacturers and branded and sold anyway you may want. The Greentech Fuel Saver is manufactured by Moletech Industries who are dedicated to developing environmentally friendly products with a focus on biotechnology. The research for the ceramic compounds used in the fuel saver was carried out at the Taipei Medical University. The results have been independently tested by CEE, SGS and Tuv Rheinland. Importantly, the Greentech Fuel saving device is protected by worldwide patents.