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3 types of Culturing Starters   total weight aprox - 300 grams

Only certified Organic ingredients used!

Water Kefir Grains 3 Tablespoons - 30g
brews bubbly fruit drinks like lemonade, ginger beer and fermented coconut water soda   

Organic Rye Sourdough Starter (fresh) - 80g
80g Cumbria's Wild Yeast Organic Sourdough Starter 
and  delicious Sourdough Pancakes Recipe

Kombucha Scoby Mushroom - with liquid
for homemade vinegar and kombucha iced tea with natural apple cider flavours

Have these probiotic drinks everyday for healthy digestion and gentle but effective whole body detox. 

Kombucha scobies and Kefir grains are living cultures that grow and multiply. They remain active indefinitely, you'll have your cultures for years. 

Printed instruction supplied for all 3 starters.