Replacement part number: OUCD6000022, 850K-D6000022, 5914460, 692811
IC: for 8T2Z-15K601-A, 5914457, 164-R7013
FCC ID: OUCD6000022
Frequency: 315MHZ
Chip: 4D63-80
Compatibility: for selected Ford Lincoln Mercury vehicles. Refer to above compatibility chart for details.
Programming: self programmable with 2 original working keys. Otherwise the locksmith or dealership is required.

Included: 2 Brand new replacement keyless entry remote ignition key combo with a battery, electronics and transponder chip(will start your car--80 BIT CHIP) installed. 

1. Lock + Unlock + Panic +Trunk - Please make sure that your original remote has the same buttons
2. please make sure the key your order is same as you have, if you have different remote, we can not verify you can successfully program the key .
3. Free, simple, DIY programming instructions for this key fob are included