Genuine Orange Frontline Plus for Dogs & Puppies 5-22 lbs (2-10 kg), 3 Month Supply, 3 Applicators

Frontline Plus is a monthly topical flea and tick preventative for dogs and cats. Frontline Plus kills 100% of adult fleas on your pet within 12 hours and 100% of all ticks and chewing lice within 48 hours. Frontline Plus contains an insect growth regulator, S-methoprene, which kills flea eggs and larvae. It’s effective against all stages of the brown dog tick, the American dog tick, the lone star tick and the deer tick (the major carrier of Lyme disease).


For: Dogs & puppies weighting 5-22 lbs (2-10 kg)




Kills all existing fleas on your pet within 12 hours

Each application provides a full month of protection

Also aids in the control of sarcoptic mange infections

Great for pets that swim since it's waterproof

Kills ticks and chewing lice


How It Works:
Peel off the protective packaging to remove the applicator; break the tip of the applicator, where perforated; apply all of the content on the pet’s back, just behind the collar. One dose is sufficient for one month of protection. Re-apply within 30 days.

Frontline Plus is 100% waterproof flea treatment for dogs and is completely effective, even if your dog is washed and cleaned, goes swimming, or goes outside in the rain. It breaks the flea & tick lifecycle to provide effective protection against fleas and ticks that may occupy both your dog and your home.

Frontline Plus contains fipronil, a broad-spectrum insecticide and slow-acting poison that disrupts the central nervous system of fleas and ticks and S-Methoprene, an insect growth regulator that kills flea eggs and larvae. The active ingredients are stored in the sebaceous glands and are wicked out of the hair follicles and continuously re-applied to the coat for long-lasting, waterproof protection.


What Will You Get:
Three factory sealed doses of genuine Orange Frontline Plus for dogs and puppies weighting 5-22 lbs (2-10 kg). One applicator is sufficient for one month of protection. Re-apply within 30 days. The product is fresh and has no expiration date. You will receive three individual applicators. The product may be shipped with or without plastic/carton packaging. Please refer to all images.