This Star Rose Quartz sphere was mined, shaped and polished on Madagascar. It was carved from top grade Rose Quartz. The piece displays a gorgeous deep pink color and a striking star (asterism, presence of rutile) on both sides of the sphere. There is a beautiful crystal sheen along one side of the sphere. The finishing polish is just perfect!

The sphere comes with pictured stand.

Dimensions:           D 1.50"        (38mm)

Weight:                     0.175 lbs     (79 g)

Geology: Rose quartz belongs to the quartz family and has a hardness of 7. Manganese and very fine iron-rutile-needles give the rose quartz its characteristic rose color. Only seldom, is rose quartz found as

small crystals. The sites at which it is found are in Brazil, Namibia, Kenya and Madagascar. The most beau­tiful and most intensely colored rose quartzes come from Madagascar and they are often found with a star.

Historical tradition: Rose quartz has been revered since ancient times as a stone of love and of the heart. The Greeks and the Romans believed that the gods of love, Amor and Eros, brought the rose quartz to Earth in order to bestow upon people the elemental force of love and reconciliation. In the course of history it was often ascribed the same importance as ruby and carbuncle. Until today, rose quartz has lost none of its value in terms of beau­ty and healing powers. In the past few years, the special healing powers of rose quartz have also gained in importance.

Curative and therapeutic effects on the body: Rose quartz is a stone, which has really very diverse healing actions on the body. The focus of its actions are, however, those on the heart, the blood and the circulatory system. It relieves diseases that threaten the heart. When being laid on, rose quartz causes the heart to be supplied with sufficient oxygen. It pre­vents thrombosis and cardiac infarction. Rose quartz also has very protective actions on the heart muscle and the valves of the heart. Due to its healing and regenerative effects on the blood, rose quartz also ensu­res that the cardio-pulmonary system and the cardiovascular system, are better supplied with oxygen and nutrients during the circulation of the blood. Rose quartz penetrates with a very healing action into the function of the blood and the blood vessels. Apart from the kidneys, liver and the bone marrow, rose quartz not only purifies the blood, but also refreshes the blood and supplies it better with sufficient red and white blood corpuscles. Through the harmonizing of the red and white blood corpuscles, blood diseases such as anemia and leukemia can also be prevented or healed. Besides the cardiovascular system, rose quartz stimulates metabolism. The supply of oxygen and nutrients, which is so important for the body, is with rose quartz at the same time better coupled to the detoxification of waste products and carbon dioxide. Moreover, rose quartz has a very protective effect on the primary and secondary genitals (testicles, ova­ries, breasts, womb). Rose quartz gives us more vitality and fertility and harmonizes sexual desires in part­nership. Through a rose quartz massage (rose quartz massage rod) in combination with rose quartz water, cell growth and regeneration of the skin are accelerated. With regular massage it will be possible to achieve healthy skin, be free of pimples and look youthful. Blue spots and pain in the bones and joints caused by rheumatism can also be healed very intensively by massages with rose quartz. When placed under the pillow, rose quartz can relieve depression and sleeping disorders. Large rose quartzes (the size of a head) from Madagascar, especially, are absolute annihilators of radiation from the earth and water. Rose quartz, about the size of a fist, is an optimal stone to yield protection against electro-magnetic radiation from com­puters, and therefore should be used as a protective stone when you are working in front of a computer screen. The effects of the rose quartz can be felt to be many times greater by the action of star rose quartz spheres. With the help of star rose quartz beads from Madagascar diseases even in advanced stages, such as blood disease, venereal disease and multiple sclerosis can be healed, too. These beads are not only very attractively expiate in the home, but they deflect radiation from the earth over a long distance. We calculate, that for each 10 m2 of floor area, a bead of 1 cm diameter is needed (for example 60 m2 floor requires at least a sphere of 6 cm in diameter).

Curative and therapeutic effects on the mind: Rose quartz not only promotes the inner needs of faithfulness and love, but it also strengthens our appre­ciation of beauty. By using rose quartz, we experience a new foothold and the ability to let go after disap­pointments in love. It can also bring together people at a new level, who are alienated in their partnerships. With rose quartz a new foundation stone for a pure and prejudice-free new beginning in partnership and love can be laid. We are liberated from these anxieties, which could repeat disappointment, and very soon we are aware again of, love and trust in relation to our partner, or in relation to somebody new to us. Wounds caused to our hearts by the rudeness of our fellow-men can be healed with the aid of rose quartz, so that we appreciate, that many comments made by our fellow-men were not intended in the way that we had interpreted them. Small children and adolescents should certainly wear a rose quartz in order to pro­tect their sensitive minds. This harmonizes and protects the child's mind and gives it protection in later years against freaking out. Rose quartz has a very vitalizing power, due to its sensitive oscillations on our creative thought and fantasy. Through this stone, we achieve a greater sense of belonging to a partner, and to nature. Long chains of rose quartz can heal the pain of the heart and of the pangs of love.

Sign of the zodiac: Taurus, 21st April to 20th May

Chakra: Rose quartz penetrates with its gentle oscillations into the body especially from the heart chakra. It bestows love, tenderness and greater contentment in relation to both ourselves and our fellow-men. Rose quartz especially protects the developing mind of children and young people from injury. During meditation, by using rose quartz, we achieve, above all, a healing of the heart after emotional injuries and our feelings are raised to a higher level. Through rose quartz, we will experience true love and be protected against untrue friends.

How can I obtain a rose quartz and how should I look after it? Rose quartz can be obtained as rough stones, tumbled stones, hand stones, beads, pyramids, chains, obe­lisks, donuts and many fantastic forms for necklaces and leather bands. Very rarely, rose quartz can be obtained in small crystal groups. These strengthen the power of the rose quartz on the cardiovascular system, the blood and the heart many times. Rose quartz is a very powerful stone and should therefore be discharged once or twice a month under lukewarm, running water. We recommend that you discharge chains once a month, overnight, in a dry bowl with hematite tumbled stones. Then, the rose quartz should be recharged for a few hours in combination with clear crystal and amethyst. In the case of the very powerful Madagascar rose quartz, this is only necessary once a year, because this stone conceals a very great energy potential within it. You can recognize Madagascar rose quartz, in contrast to other rose quartz, immediately by its transparency and striking color.