Made in USA

2 Bottles 120 Capsules

Getting your blood glucose levels under control has immediate health benefits – you will feel better, find it easier to maintain a healthier weight, have more energy, put less strain on your joints, and maintain healthier cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Natural supplements can be a powerful ally in helping you get your blood sugar levels in balance, and keeping them there. And they help you avoid some of the unhealthy side effects that can come with traditional remedies. There are a few ingredients that work together to balance your blood sugar. Not only does each nutrient contribute a unique health benefit for blood sugar control, but there is a formula that includes the most scientifically advanced forms of these nutrients, in the dosages that research has shown provides the most definitive blood sugar control.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

This is a potent antioxidant that helps to maintain normal insulin sensitivity, helps to reduce fasting blood glucose and post-meal blood glucose already in the normal range, and promotes healthy insulin function. Alpha lipoic acid also helps maintain the health of the peripheral nerves in the hands and feet, a common concern of people with blood sugar issues. A good combination of these nutrients can help you: Support healthy blood glucose levels, both before and after meals. Promote healthy hemoglobin A1C levels. Support healthy glucose disposal and metabolism. Promote healthy insulin function. Support healthy insulin sensitivity. Manage insulin function twice as effectively as regular chromium picolinate. Help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Help support healthy detoxification function. 

Cinnamon Reduces Balancing Blood Glucose

Cinnamon has been used in Ayurvedic and other Asian medicines for thousands of years, as both a medicine and a spice. It's use in Indonesia is famous and it was exported from Java to Europe several centuries ago and embraced by European herbalists for its tremendous healing properties. Cinnamon comes from the bark of trees. It has long been considered a medicinal plant. There are several varieties, harvested from southern China to Southeast Asia. For years, there have been hints that adding cinnamon to your diet can help control blood sugar. And a recent spate of studies adds to the evidence that the effect is real. If you are considering cinnamon supplements, talk with your doctor first, especially if you take any medication. Researchers have investigated the insulin-like effects of cinnamon for a number of years now, and as the latest study.

Benefits of Magnesium

A number of studies have previously shown magnesium can benefit your blood pressurea. Magnesium is used by every organ in your body, including your heart, kidneys, bone and muscles. It is essential for activating enzymes and performing other bodily functions. Magnesium oxide benefits people of all ages, regardless of their health. (Unlike many supplements which work almost exclusively in people with deficiencies). Low magnesium in the body is linked to blood sugar, kidney stones, osteoporosis and a legion of other health problems. Taking the recommended daily value (RDV) of magnesium through food and supplements will improve these conditions and increase overall well-being. Like other types of magnesium, magnesium oxide has dozens of health benefits. When used on a regular basis, magnesium oxide can help in all of the following areas: Relieves constipation. Boosts low magnesium levels. Improves breathing. Reduces irregular heartbeat. 

Zinc Oxide Benefits

Laboratory studies have shown that zinc acts like insulin when administered to insulin-sensitive tissue and that it seems to stimulate insulin action. It binds to insulin receptors, activates insulin signaling pathways, and more, all of which result in glucose uptake by cells and clearance of glucose from the blood.  Zinc is also necessary for the correct processing, storage, and secretion of insulin and it can protect against β-cell loss, a hallmark of blood sugar level. Because zinc is so closely tied to insulin functioning, zinc deficiency is associated with poor β-cell function and higher incidences of insulin resistance. People with lower zinc levels are more insulin resistant than those with higher zinc levels. So zinc may be helpful in protecting against high blood sugar level.  Numerous animal and laboratory studies show that zinc supplementation can reduce fasting glucose and improve insulin functioning.

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Capsule 
Servings Per Container: 60
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 50 mg 83% 
Vitamin E (d-alpha toco. acetate) 15 IU 50% 
Magnesium (oxide) 125 mg 31% 300 mcg 100% 
Biotin Zinc (oxide) 7.5 mg 50% 
Manganese (as amino acid chelate) 1 mg 50% 
Chromium (amino acid chelate) 67 mcg 56% 
Banaba (1% extract) 25 mg * 
Guggle 50 mg * 
Bitter Melon (4:1 extract) 50 mg * 
Licorice Extract 50 mg * 
Cinnamon (herb powder) 50 mg * 
Gymnema Sylvestre (powder) 50 mg *  
Yarrow (herb powder) 25 mg * 
Cayenne (herb powder) 10 mg * 
Juniper Berry (powder) 25 mg * 
Huckleberry (herb powder) 25 mg * 
Vanadyl Sulfate 1 mg * 
Alpha Lipoic Acid 30 mg * 
L-Taurine 25 mg *

OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, Magnesium Stearate and Calcium Carbonate.

SUGGESTED  USE:   Take one  (1) capsule twice  daily as a dietary supplement. 

CAUTION:  Do  not  exceed  recommended  dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children 
under the age of 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a 
physician before using this or any dietary supplement.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Immune support men - BLOOD SUGAR CONTROL FORMULA - chromium crusher - 2 Bottles