Best for cost-conscious  individuals and small workgroups

1-10 Users
Unlimited Users
Windows,  Web, Mobile
Hosted Emarketing Mobility

Act! Pro v16 - One toolset, unlimited  possibilities
Deployment: Windows 7, 8.1, or  10 desktop

Inquire about our Act! add-ons...

  • Scan documents and organize files within Act! contact records
  • Turn Act! into a complete financial  service interface. Good for Financial Planners, Investment  Advisors, and Insurance Agents.
  • Sync Act! data to your iPhone,  Tablet or Android
  • Track, report, and graph on  customized tables of data
  • Sales and marketing automation
  • and more...

We are highly technical when it comes to Act! and IT! Contact us about your implementation projects.
Or, if you need Act! hosting, please contact us to discuss in more detail.

Do  I need Act! Pro (left side) or Act! Premium  (right side)?

Act! Premium  gives you enhanced security settings, group  scheduling functionality, dashboards and  reporting with team views, and advanced  administration and sync options. Also, if  you need more than 10 licenses, you'll need  to purchase the Premium version. Contact us to inquire about obtaining Act! Premium from us.

Picture below references  Pro (left side) or Premium (right side)

Sage ACT! Pro vs ACT! Premium

We are an Act! Certified Consultant and Authorized Reseller.
Contact us for information about Act! and our add-ons.