Product description

Edesia Espress
    • 240 size 6 brown coffee filter papers. Equivalent to 1x6

    • Suitable for domestic filter coffee machines and 'u' shaped plastic dripper cones

    • 3 shrink wrapped packets of 80

    • See photo for size diagram

  • Please make sure these are the correct papers for your machine before ordering

High quality coffee filter papers

Our portfolio of household coffee filter papers includes all of the most popular sizes for domestic coffee brewing machines and manual drip brewers.

Most of our household coffee filter papers are produced as standard with a double secure adhesive free seam.

The paper used for our coffee filters is pure grade cellulose paper, manufactured in Switzerland, and is free from all environmental pollutants. All pulp is supplied from certified, sustainable forestry operations.

Our household coffee filter papers are dioxin free and easily compostable. You can dispose of them after use and be confident that they will degrade.

Advantages over permanent / reusable filters

Easier to clean – After use filter papers are easily removed and disposed of. Permanent filters must be washed thoroughly after every use.

More hygienic – Permanent filters are used repeatedly for years and can develop build up after repeated use.

Eco-conscious – Our filter papers are compostable whilst permanent filters aren’t.

Potentially healthier – Scientific studies have indicated that coffee filter papers play a vital role in eliminating the cholesterol raising factor of coffee. Permanent filters, on the other hand, allow the cholesterol raising oils to filter into the cup.

No after taste – Finer ground coffee has a larger surface area exposed to the hot water which provides for a richer cup of coffee. Some permanent filters can transfer a foreign taste and odour to your coffee.