Deer's Tongue Leaf


  • Product- Smoking Herb Flavor
  • Sage Type -  Deers Tongue Leaf
  • Origin- Native American Indian
  • Tradition-  Ceremony, Ritual, Pow Wow, Ritual, Sweat Lodge, Spiritual, Sacred, Prayers, Cleansing, Prayers, Purifying
  • Herbal- Natural, Organic, Smoke, Smudging Herb, Dried, 100% Natural


 Deers Tongue (Carphephorus odoratissimus (Trilisa odoratissima, Liatris odoratissima)) Deer's Tongue, Deertongue, Vanilla Leaf, Wild Vanilla, Trilissia odorata Has been used for diuretic effects and applied locally for sore throats and gonorrhea. It has also been used as a tonic in treating malaria. A powerful stimulant, highly regarded by Native Americans as an aphrodisiac, and said to induce erotic dreams. The leaves are used to give tobacco a vanilla flavor They have a warm bitterish taste. Their perfume is largely due to Coumarin, which can be seen in crystals on the upper side of the smooth spatulate leaves. Coumarin has blood-thinning, anti-fungicidal and anti-tumor activities. Coumarin should not be taken while using anticoagulants. Coumarin increases the blood flow in the veins and decreases capillary permeability. Coumarin can be toxic when used at high doses for a long period Medicinal Action and Uses:

Since the dawn of times plants have been our sacred connection to our mother earth. Plants feed, cure, and shelter us; and legends abound of the power of chosen plants to heal and protect the wise. Native traditions relate that wherever sage and cedar are used, no evil influences may enter.

 To “smudge” is to purify with smoke from certain sacred herbs. The sacred ritual of purifying with smoke comes from native peoples in both North and South America. In North America the smoke is created by burning sacred herbs such as sage, cedar, sweet grass and juniper. Smoke may be used to purify the body, spirit, pet, home, office and healing rooms, any space or item in your world

 This smudge stick is 100% natural aromatic botanical. The herbs were gathered in an ecologically sound and respectful way. The plants are not harmed and nothing is wasted. These bundles are made for you as tools of empowerment! Enjoy!



Native American Jewelry, Pottery, Botanical Smudging Herbs, Handmade   

              Smudging Feathers and Handmade Medicine Bags





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