Red Lens Repair
Tail/Stop/Brake/Turn Lights

 1.5" wide, 60" Long
(Quantity 1)



This is a transparent red tape which is used for quick, usually temporary, repair of automobile tail lights, turn lights, etc.  Just cover the broken part of you light assembly and you're ready to go.

The first time I went to the local auto store to get some automotive repair (red, transparent) tape for a quick and cheap repair, it cost me a bundle.  That's why, when I found a bunch of it surplus I got it to use myself and also to sell on Ebay.

Also, it's been my experience that you always need twice as much of this stuff as you think you're going to need. So I've made it easy for you to by multiple rolls by setting the shipping for additional rolls at only 50 cents each.


As you can see in the photos below, light comes right through this stuff. For the photos, I used an awfully bright bicycle light, so it looks a little whiter than I thought it would.  Actually, when you cover a hole on a tail light with it, the light that you see coming through appears a nice but soft bright red both day and night ― which is exactly what you want to prevent you from getting a ticket until you can actually replace the whole light assembly.

Of course, this red, transparent tape has many other uses because other kinds of tape will not let light shine through.

Remember, buy more of it than you think you'll need, because a 1.5" x 60" roll gives out pretty fast.


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