Hyperion 512K RAM+ card (V1.22)

It is compatible with the Saturn 128K memory card and the No Slot Clock.

I developed it for my APPLE ][+, Cause I needed a16K language card for 64KB full memory.
The structure of Saturn 128K memory card, It is compatible with 16K Language card and It is very good for APPLE ][ and ][+  which has only 48KB RAM and need to add +16KB andmore it support +128KB total memory.
As you know, Saturn memory card has own memory address so user could put program and run with switchable banks.
Hyperion 512K RAM+ card is fully compatible with the Saturn 128K and NSC clock.
And added memory space side is 512KB,  it works as 4 sets of Saturn 128KB.

It  has a non-volatile memory 512KB to keep data even APPLE II power off.
It is useful for pseudo disk and user could switch 4 disks by simple ']POKE 'command.

Due to no APPLE II has real-time clock, this card work as has a No slot clock.
*It needs slot signal and need a slot so it should be called as 'Yes Slot Card'  not No Slot Clock :)
*No Slot Clock function doesn't work in Slot#0 but, Saturn 128K works Slot#0

If you want to use an general Saturn card  on APPLE //e,  Saturn card less useful.
But, Clock would be more useful on APPLE //e or APPLE ][+.

What you will have ;
One Hyperion 512K RAM+ card.
Printed manual.
No battery included.

Manual can be found here; 

Please visit my blog for more information

apple2.net  for coupon, developing information

Works on APPLE ][, ][+, //e
With this card, APPLE ][+  could boot Prodos 1.9 or 2.4.1 without any problem.
No reason to test it on APPLE IIGS, IIGS has clock and big memory.


I will ship within 7days after receiving payments.


Some of the country not available cheaper standard shipping way. In this case, I may ask you for extra shipping costs for faster shipping way. If you want sure, please send a message.

Thank you very much;

Ian Kim