Native American Indian  SUMAC LEAVES Smoking Mix Healing Herb Smudging Sage 1 Ounce bag

Red Sumac Leaves


1 ounce bag



  • Product- Smudge Sage
  • Sage Type-  Sumac Leaves, rhus glabra, dwarf sumac, mountain sumac, scarlet sumac, smooth sumac, upland sumac, white shoe make, vinegar-tree
  • Origin- Native American Indian  Smoking Mix
  • Tradition-  Ceremony, Ritual, Pow Wow, Ritual, Sweat Lodge, Spiritual, Sacred, Prayers, Cleansing, Prayers, Purifying
  • Herbal- Natural, Organic, Smoke, Smudging Herb, Dried, 100% Natural, Botanical, Remedy,
  • Package-1 ounce bag
  • Healing herb-


Sumac Leaves



Sumac was used extensively by Native Americans for food and medicine. Young shoots and roots are peeled and eaten raw. The fruit is also eaten raw, cooked or made into a lemonade-like drink. The active constituents in Sumac are being studied for use in many diseases some possible applications are in the treatment of TB, diabetes, and some cancers. The plant contains Calcium malate, Dihydrofisetin, Fisetin, Iodine, Gallic-acid-methylester, tannic and gallic acids, Selenium, Tartaric-acid, and many beneficial minerals. An infusion of the bark or roots is alterative, antiseptic, astringent, diuretic, galactogogue, haemostatic, rubefacient and tonic. It is used in alternative medicine for the treatment of colds, diarrhea, fevers, general debility, to increase the flow of breast milk, sore mouths and throats, rectal bleeding, inflammation of the bladder and painful urination, retention of urine and dysentery and is applied externally to treat excessive vaginal discharge, burns and skin eruptions.

The powdered bark is made into a good antiseptic salve. An infusion of the leaves is used for asthma, diarrhea and stomach cramps. A poultice of the leaves used to treat skin rashes. The leaves also chewed for sore gums and rubbed on sore lips


Smoking Mixtures

Smoking a pipe as part of a ceremony or spiritual offering seems to have been about as common as smoking it for personal satisfaction. For personal use, tobacco was consumed primarily in pipes and was smoked by both men and women, but never by children. Kinnickinnick--various other herbal substances, usually red willow--was mixed with strong native tobacco in varying amounts to suit the individual smoker. Personal pipes were small with a short stem.

Kinnickinnick (an Ojibwe word) literally means "what is mixed," and refers to plant materials that Indian people mixed with tobacco for smoking. Use of kinnickinnick was widespread in North America but the ingredients varied regionally. In the Woodlands, the favorite ingredients were the inner bark of certain willows, dogwoods, or sumac leaves. The final mixture usually only contains about one third of tobacco.





 Since the dawn of times plants have been our sacred connection to our mother earth. Plants feed, cure, and shelter us; and legends abound of the power of chosen plants to heal and protect the wise. Native traditions relate that wherever sage and cedar are used, no evil influences may enter.

 To “smudge” is to purify with smoke from certain sacred herbs. The sacred ritual of purifying with smoke comes from native peoples in both North and South America. In North America the smoke is created by burning sacred herbs such as sage, cedar, sweet grass and juniper. Smoke may be used to purify the body, spirit, pet, home, office and healing rooms, any space or item in your world

 This smudge herb is 100% natural aromatic botanicals. The herbs were gathered in an ecologically sound and respectful way. The plants are not harmed and nothing is wasted. These bundles are made for you as tools of empowerment! Enjoy!



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