Leica lens converted and CHIPPED for nikon mount. Yes, it is a nikon mount lens.
Yes, you can focus to infinity!

Optics are flawless, I see only one dust particle inside. There could be few more but what I'm trying to say is optics are super clean. Even brand new, boxed lenses have some dust.

Aperture clicks and acts like it should. No oil what so ever.

I never had a Leica R lens so I don't know how it's focusing ring should be like. It isn't fast like Nikon E glasses.
It's more like Hasselblad ct lenses. Seems like it's designed for critical focusing

Comes with both caps, and hood.

This lens is made in GERMANY, unlike a bit cheaper Canadian versions.

I don't think I need to explain how great Leica lenses are and their quality build. Especially the German ones.

If you have any questions, let me know.
I usually reply within 10-15 minutes
